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Road Safety Committee will take preventive measures to avoid accidents on the roads this festive San Pedro bridge

It is expected that around 322,000 vehicles will travel on the department’s roads.

Tunja, June 28, 2024. (UACP). With the aim of implementing actions and strategies to mitigate and reduce road accidents during this San Pedro holiday weekend, an extraordinary session of the Road Safety Committee was held, coordinated by the Boyacá Transit Institute (ITBOY) as Technical Secretariat of that organization.

Nidia Carolina Puentes Aguilar, manager of ITBOY, indicated that, for Governor Carlos Amaya, road safety is a fundamental issue, which is why the different secretariats are leading actions to guarantee safety on the roads.

“Boyacá is a tourist department, so it is expected that around 322,000 vehicles will travel on the roads of the department during this festive long weekend, a figure that represents a 5% increase in vehicle mobility,” said Puentes.

He added that the collaboration and articulated work of road entities and actors is essential to save lives on the road and reduce the numbers of deaths and injuries due to road accidents. Also to comply with joint circular 028 of 2024, issued by the Ministry of Transportation, the National Road Safety Agency and the Superintendency of Transportation.

The ITBOY Road Safety team will provide awareness and support to road users who will travel in the municipalities. It will also be present at the terminals of Tunja and Sogamoso.

The ITBOY Manager stressed that ensuring road safety is the job of all Boyacá residents, which is why she recommends that before traveling, drivers check that their road equipment and spare parts are up to date.

The use of a seat belt is mandatory, do not use your cell phone while driving, do not exceed speed limits, respect traffic regulations and do not drive while intoxicated, are some recommendations made by the leader of the Boyacá Traffic Institute.

Finally, the manager thanked each member of this committee for their commitment to contributing to road safety in the department.

(End / Ana María Londoño Barón – ITBOY).
Administrative Unit of Communications and Protocol.
Government of Boyacá.

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