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We will regain our way, our dignity and bring the world to Cali: Alejandro Eder

Cali is one of the cities that has the country’s biggest security challenges, In addition, this year there is an important agenda with the arrival of COP16 on October 21, for which the Mayor’s Office of Cali has arranged a series of measures to continue reducing negative indicators that the city had before starting Alejandro Eder’s mandate.

Precisely for this reason, The mayor was present on 6AM Hoy por Hoywhich is broadcast from the capital of Valle del Cauca, to talk about all these issues and how they continue to work for the city.

Initially, he commented the following about security in Cali: “There are several levels, we have citizen security and against terrorism. About the first thing, since my mayorship began and With the help of the National Police we have been improving all the indicatorsIn fact, the first act since my election was to visit General Salamanca to ask for his support in force. In January, 300 police officers arrived. Today we have more than 6,000 and we have them deployed throughout the city.”

Furthermore, he added: “In this way we have been closing spaces for crime, we have reduced homicide by 20%taking into account that Cali was the city with the highest rate in the country in that aspect, with which at the national level it has been reduced by 65%. Theft has also decreased and we have already captured 18 members of terrorist support networks.

Eder also spoke about security in rural areas, especially from Jamundí, a municipality that in recent weeks has been badly hit by the dissident group Jaime Martínez, and commented: “We have worked hand in hand with the mayor of this municipality, who is very brave, with the governor of Valle, working with the police, military and I must admit that the Ministry of Defense has reacted and they have confirmed that 18 platoons of professional soldiers are arriving“The call has been answered and that will contribute to better things not only in this area, but also in the north of Cauca.”

For his part, he also referred to the issue of total peace, saying: “I am a person who has dedicated my life to working for peace in this country, I was a negotiator in the process with the FARC, I worked for a decade demobilizing and reintegrating combatants. All the progress we had was possible because the will was accompanied by a strong security policy, which is why it is necessary for there to be peace, There must be a security policy, because these groups are too rich.”.

How will security be ensured at COP16?

COP16 will take place from October 21 to November 1 and will be an event in which many visitors and invited countries will come to discuss environmental issues. However, one issue of concern is how security will be guaranteed before and during this forum.

Regarding this, the mayor of Cali mentioned: “COP16 is the most important global event for the care of biodiversity and it is part of the other COP which is on climate change, this is the most relevant point on the global agenda of discussions between countries, representatives from practically all the member countries of the UN will come here, Around 200 people will come to negotiate and agree on how the environment will be protected.”

“When these people come here, including heads of state, representatives of countries, around 80 ministers, entrepreneurs, activists, green business entrepreneurs and others will also come That becomes a great opportunity for them to get to know our region and see Colombia in a different light.

Eder explained that for this different aspects of both logistics and security must be organized. “On security we have been working since February with the Ministry of Defense, General Salamanca has always been very involved with Cali” and he has already announced that 5,000 uniformed officers will arrive in October, that is, almost double the force in Cali. The good news is that in a few weeks the first 200 police officers will arrive and they will gradually increase, which It will allow us security during the COP and progress so that after this we continue to take away space from crime,” said Eder.

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