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Cuba has been a very important country for the Caribbean and the world – Radio Rebelde


“Cuba is a very important country not only for the Caribbean but also for the world because of its culture and its people,” said His Excellency Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th United Nations General Assembly, during an exchange with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel at the Palace of the Revolution.

The distinguished visitor is making an official visit to our country where he has developed an intense work agenda and was received by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic.

After the initial greetings, the Head of State thanked Dennis Francis for the opportunity to have his presence, and also recognized the work he has carried out as President of the United Nations General Assembly since September of last year.

Díaz-Canel recognized the importance of the issue of multilateralism and solidarity “because both are concepts that we must impose on the world, and they are needs that demand the complexity of the relationships that we live in today’s world and about that I believe that the post-pandemic panorama that we are experiencing demonstrates the need to defend multilateralism and solidarity, and we want to confirm that you can count on Cuba in that effort,” meant.

The president also highlighted the excellent relations between Cuba and Trinidad Tobago, the nation where Dennis Francis was born and worked as a diplomat for several decades.

Once the meeting concluded, in a separate meeting with the press, the President of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations commented on the results of his visit to our country.

He said he was impressed and revealed that he had wanted to visit Cuba for many years because this is his second visit, although the first time was twenty years ago.

Denis Francis reaffirmed the warmth and hospitality of the Cuban people, and the importance that the largest of the Antilles attaches to the family. He added that he feels very familiar with the policies of Cuba and the work of our diplomats, especially in many areas related to multilateralism.

Cuba has long defended multilateral relations, he noted, and has represented one of the most valuable parts of international relations for many years.

He emphasized that “Cuba has worked to promote international peace and security, and to promote development, the rights of women and children, and the goals of sustainable development. It has been a great pleasure for me to meet with the Cuban Foreign Minister and President to reaffirm the ties of cooperation and friendship that have defined relations between the United Nations and Cuba for many decades.”

Dennis Francis’ visit is part of the UN agenda to also examine the Caribbean island’s continued active engagement at the United Nations and to note the country’s contribution to multilateralism, cooperation, and ongoing regional and global challenges.

In the meeting held at the Palace of the Revolution, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, participated on the Cuban side.

On the morning of this Friday, Francis also paid tribute to José Martí at the memorial dedicated to the National Hero of Cuba, and in the afternoon he gave a keynote lecture in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana on the topic «Cuba and multilateralism».

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