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534 declarations and seizure of 200 devices: the first year of the Bío Bío Agreements Case | National

It was on June 29, 2023 when Governor Rodrigo Díaz himself revealed in an interview with Radio Bío Bío the filing of a criminal complaint for the transfer of 160 million pesos to the Mi Hogar Asuncionista foundation.

That date marks the year since the Covenants Case exploded in Bío Bío, adding today 16 foundations investigated in 13 different caseswith one already formalized – the Camila Polizzi En Ti Foundation – and a second – precisely Mi Hogar Asuncionista – on the verge of the formulation of charges next Tuesday, July 2.

It has been 12 intense months of work for the High Complexity prosecutor, María José Aguayo, who apparently already has a general vision of the crimes that do exist in some transfers of funds to foundations.

While others – he said – were carried out negligently, and therefore the responsibility could only be administrative.

Research that has not been exempt from criticism

The investigation has not been without criticism, mainly due to the few charges made so far: five individuals and three public officials.

In this regard, the prosecutor gave an account of the complexity of the investigations, but remembering that the charges for Mi Hogar Asuncionista will be added, that more formalizations will follow later, without ruling out that they are against senior officials of the Regional Government.

The one who has repeated himself and could have to appear in court again is the former administrator Rodrigo Martínez, whose defense attorney, Magdalena Wyss, He accused the Public Prosecutor’s Office of not being objective in its work, and, without naming Rodrigo Díaz, called for targeting those truly responsible..

In a year of proceedings for crimes ranging from tax fraud, fraud and money laundering, prosecutor Aguayo, together with members of the PDI Economic Crimes Brigade, has taken 534 statements and seized 200 technological equipment, between phones, computers and hard drives, in addition to 250 background requests to banks, Internal Revenue and Treasury, among other organizations.

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