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Land distribution “marathon” begins across the country

In a new marathon of land delivery from the Agrarian Reform of the Government of Change, the largest to date, almost 8 thousand hectares purchased by the National Land Agency (ANT), an entity attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, began to reach the hands of the peasantry throughout the country.

This Thursday, the first hectares of this marathon were handed over in simultaneous events, in Caucasia and Yondó (Antioquia), Chimichagua (Cesar), Ayapel and Pueblo Nuevo (Córdoba), Baraya (Huila) and Fonseca (La Guajira). During the week, the handovers will continue in other regions of the country, to complete a total of 16 municipalities in 10 departments, and bring good news to the Colombian peasantry.

From Chimichagua (Cesar), the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Jhenifer Mojica, stated that the Agrarian Reform continues its course in all regions of the country.

“This day is very important for us, because in 10 departments of the country there are 574 peasant families that receive land from the Agrarian Reform. This reform is not an invention, nor a utopia, much less a whim of President Gustavo Petro. It is not a stubbornness of mine, nor of the director of the National Land Agency, nor of the 16 thousand people who are working for Colombia’s agriculture. This Reform belongs to the peasantry and more than ever it has to be done.”

“The Agrarian Reform does not stop and every week we continue adding. To date, there are more than 104,000 hectares purchased in the Government of President Gustavo Petro, of which not a centimeter has been expropriated and each of the property purchases can be verified by the control entities to guarantee the transparency of the process. , stated the director of the ANT, Felipe Harman.

Thus, in total, in this marathon the Government of Change will deliver 7,862.69 hectares.

“I like what is happening now, because honestly the other presidents had not cared about the peasantry or they did not care about the peasants, on the contrary. I am grateful to President Gustavo Petro for what he has been doing for the peasantry of Chimichagua, because thanks to him we are going to have land to live on. Without him, this would not have been possible,” said an excited Rosa Ferreira, one of the beneficiaries.

With this delivery, 23,000 hectares have been delivered in less than a month and a half, fulfilling the obligations of rural and ethnic communities in terms of access to land, as provided for in point one of the Peace Agreement signed in Havana.

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