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Beware of the operations for bad parking in Yopal. Fine is 620 thousand pesos » PRENSA LIBRE CASANARE

The Deputy Commander of the Traffic Agents of Yopal, Diego García, announced that operations will be intensified to sanction drivers who park their vehicles improperly and warned that the fine for this infraction amounts to 620,000 pesos, plus what can lead to a possible immobilization of the vehicle, if the driver is not at the place.

The financial penalty corresponding to 15 current daily wages is applied to those who park in prohibited places. Furthermore, in the absence of the driver, the vehicle will be immobilized. “If the driver is at the scene of the violation, the summons will be issued and he will be allowed to move the vehicle,” García explained.

The official said that the disorder is part of the lack of culture and the laziness of walking from a parking lot to where the citizen must go to carry out some errand or payment in the banking area, which is where the infraction occurs most.

These operations aim not only to punish, but also to educate drivers about the importance of respecting traffic regulations and contributing to a more orderly and safe city.


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