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How much money does a Salta family need per day to eat?

Inflation and deregulation of food prices have caused an increase of 100% of the accumulated price increase from November to May. To find out the situation of the people of Salta Radio Salta contacted Federico Maigua, director of ISEPCI (Institute for Social, Economic and Political Research on Citizens). The institute revealed that a typical family needs $11,500 to feed itself for a day.

Inflation and deregulation of food prices have caused an increase that reaches 100% of the accumulated price from November to May. To know the situation of the Salteños Radio Salta He contacted Federico Maigua, director of the ISEPCI (Institute for Social, Economic and Citizen Policy Research). This institute revealed that a typical family needs $11,500 to feed themselves in one day.

“Our surveys are based on the prices of the cheapest products on the supermarket shelves. This means that the total could rise a little more,” said Federico Maigua.

On the other hand, the most vulnerable employees are those who are in the informal sector: “Informal work has fewer tools to discuss a salary improvement and that places black workers in a more vulnerable place in the face of inflation because they lost greater purchasing power.” “, expressed Maigua.

A clear effect of the current economic situation is the drop in consumption, which leads to the closure of businesses and therefore unemployment.

Following the National Government’s claims about a slowdown in the rise in food prices, the director of ISEPCI took the opportunity to deny it: “on the contrary, a constant increase is observed in various products, one of them being dairy products,” he said.

Contrary to what society expects, after the approval of the Bases law, Maigua believes the opposite: “I believe that things are not going to change, I think that everything will get worse, especially with the approval of the so-called Bases Law ”Maigua stated.


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