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Governors of Together for Change put pressure on Javier Milei and demand funds after protecting the Bases law

The text begins by remembering that “lThe ten Governors of Together for Change have worked hard together with our blocks for the sanction of the Bases Law that the government requested from the National Congress. “We believe that it is a useful instrument so that you can comply with the change that the majority of Argentines voted for.”

In this sense, they consider that the Government “now has the tools to begin a new stage that must be one of growth, investment and employment. There are millions of Argentines who are supporting this, with great effort, and they need these changes to begin to be noticed in their daily lives and their economic well-being. That is the great challenge of the National Government from now on.”

The signatories of the statement are Jorge Macri (CABA); Leandro Zdero (Chaco); Ignacio Torres (Chubut); Gustavo Valdes (Corrientes); Rogelio Frigerio (Between rivers); Carlos Sadir (Jujuy); Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza); Marcelo Orrego (San Juan); Claudio Poggi (Saint Louis) and Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe).

Together for Change Statement.pdf

Expectations for works

Ambit consulted with an official of the Salta governmentwhose leader, Gustavo Saenz, signed an agreement on June 11 with the Government for the transfer of national works to that administration and that would guarantee the continuity of national projects paralyzed since December of last year. “We hope that what was signed is fulfilled, we have hope, but it cannot be denied that what the President said today and Catalán’s words have generated some concern,” said the source. “The national Executive Branch already has what it asked for – the Base Law and the Fiscal Pact – now it has to comply,” he added.

In that same sense, this medium spoke with a member of the team of the Governor of Catamarca, Raúl Jalilwho acknowledged that there is the same concern, although he is confident that the resources will arrive because there is a signed agreement, a public commitment. “Our governor maintains a good dialogue with the Casa Rosada because Catamarca “It is one of the provinces that has grown the most due to the impact of mining activity, a topic that is of great interest to the Government. Therefore, the fulfillment of the commitments assumed should not be in doubt, but the President’s statements were surprising,” he said.

Another concern in the provinces is that the transfer of national works to the federal governments was done without the allocation of funds, so their continuity will depend on the funds available in the provincial coffers. Hence the particular interest that the northern governors had in the income tax is restored, which is sharedas it will translate into relief for their stressed coffers. The approval of the Bases Law in the House of Representatives contemplated this request from within.

Another district in the Central Region mentioned that there are “many issues on the table,” and that there is uncertainty regarding how the Milei Government will behave now.


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