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They deliver remains of a farmer who was missing for 20 years

The Search Unit for Persons Reported as Missing (UBPD) carried out the dignified surrender of a man who For 20 years it was in a vault in the cemetery from Granada as an unidentified person.

His family’s uncertainty ended when the Unit delivered William Heriberto Salazar Giraldowho lived in the La Linda village with his wife and four children: Viviana, Edilson, Yury Alejandra and Camila

This man, who was born on February 20, 1969, from a very young age was dedicated to He planted coffee, cane, corn, beans, cassava and bananas.and in his free time, he participated in community activities in his territory.

Luz Dary Cardona, his wife, remembers that he disappeared on October 20, 2004 when he left his home and did not return. Witnesses to the events told her that her husband and another farmer had been murdered and their bodies taken to the town.

Dignified delivery of the farmer William Salazar to his family in the municipality of Granada, Antioquia


The woman says that eight days after they killed him, she arrived at the cemetery where The gravedigger showed her the place where her husband had been left, although the doubt remained among her that it was he who was there.

“We already know that he is my father, because when he was buried we were not sure that it was him, that is why we did not go to pray to him, because wherever he was,“That was a pain that lasted 20 years, now, thanks to God and the Search Unit, our dream came true and we have a place to visit him,” said Viviana Salazar, William’s daughter.

Paulo Serna, coordinator of the Northwest Regional Search Unit, said that based on a humanitarian and extrajudicial investigation of several years, the entity intervened in the Granada cemetery at the end of 2022in development of the Regional Search Plan for Eastern Antioquia.

During this process, the recovery of three bodies with an oriented identity was achieved that, thanks to the work of researchers, The National Institute of Legal Medicine was able to determine the full identity.

“We have been applying this form of research in different cemeteries nationwide and especially in the Eastern Antioquia, where we have already carried out the second phase of intervention in the Cocorná cemetery and we are going to the second phase of intervention at the Rionegro cemetery,” explained Serna.

According to data from the Search Unit, in Colombia there are 111,640 people reported missing, Of these, Antioquia has 24,457 people, being the department with the most cases. In the eastern Antioquia region, the universe is 3,152 people reported missing.

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