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The search for Loan: they removed the Corrientes police from the investigation

Jun 28, 2024 12:55 pm EST

The boy disappeared on June 13

15 days have passed since the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy who was last seen on June 13 in a rural area of ​​the town of 9 de Julio, province of Corrientes.

The retired Navy ship captain is accused of the incident Carlos perez and the former municipal official Maria Victoria Caillavaboth accused as material co-authors of the collection for exploitation purposes of Loan.

WhileAntonio Benítez and Mónica del Carmen Millapi are accused of being primary participants of that crime together with Daniel “Fierrito” Ramirez. The other of the detainees, the commissioner Walter Macielis accused of concealment by royal favor, qualified by the seriousness of the preceding crime and the author’s status as a public official.

The case is investigated by Federal Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo and the Office of the Prosecutor for Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Protex). The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrichtraveled to Goya to learn about the details of the investigation.

Both the Protex as the federal prosecutor Mariano de Guzman They asked the judge to accept jurisdiction over the case. For them, the hypothesis that the organized crime is behind Loan’s disappearance. However, for now it is being investigated how investigation of crime.

The detainees were transferred yesterday morning to federal prisons, while the searches continued in a field where the Police had not been. The family declared and marched in front of the prosecutor’s office to ask for justice. They also raided Loan’s aunt and grandmother: seven cell phones were seized.

Follow the latest news on the search for the child:

Laudelina Peña left her house in a car with an unknown destination

Just after 8pm, Laudelina Peña, Loan’s aunt, left her house and left in a gray car similar to the one they use to transport those who must testify at the federal prosecutor’s office from July 9 to Goya. However, that was not where she headed. She was traveling accompanied by Macarena, her daughter, and her lawyer, José Codazzi.

Her husband, Antonio Benítez, has been detained since the beginning of the investigation and is accused of being a primary participant in the collection for exploitation purposes of Loan.

From the beginning, several voices were raised asking why Laudelina was not also arrested. Since the transfer of the case to federal justice, the woman has not yet given a statement.

The judge removed the Corrientes Police from the investigation

Cristina Pozzer Penzo, the federal judge in charge of the case of Loan’s disappearance, On Friday, the Corrientes police were removed from the investigation.

From now on, only federal forces will interveneThe Argentine Naval Prefecture will be in charge of logistics, the National Gendarmerie will carry out the necessary operations in the field, and the Argentine Federal Police will be in charge of the investigation itself.

In her request, the judge urged the head of the Goya Regional Unit to “order the cessation of investigative tasks by the personnel under his charge that could be developing around the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Peña.”

Loan’s brothers finished declaring that they were missing

José and Alfredo, Loan’s brothers, finished testifying before Mariano de Guzmán, federal prosecutor of Goya, and they return to 9 de Julio after more than five hours of testimony.

The young people arrived around 1 p.m. at the headquarters of the Goya Prosecutor’s Office to give statements as witnesses. Originally they were scheduled to do so at 9 but the departure from their house was delayed.

José is the only one of the 5-year-old boy’s relatives who did not travel yesterday to give his testimony because he was left in the care of his younger siblings, while Alfredo, who had traveled, had to return because he had not been able to give his statement.

The photo that appears in the file and tries to prove the visit to the orange grove

Laudelina Peña and Mónica Millapi walk towards the orange grove. In front of them, children can be seen, but it is not possible to see if one of them is Loan.

Some days ago, Camiladaughter of Laudelina Peña, said that he had contributed to the file a photo that proved that Loan had gone to the orange grove on the day of his disappearance. Today, Infobae He accessed that image, which is far from providing security to that statement.

In the photo, taken by the young woman, Laudelina can be seen in the foreground (on the left of the image) and next to her, Monica del Carmen Millapiarrested and accused of primary participation in the case for recruitment for exploitation purposes of Loan.

Later, a group of children is seen, some of whom are covered by Millapi’s body, so, With the single photo taken by the missing minor’s cousin, it is impossible to prove that Loan was part of the little excursion.

The photo became known while José and Alfredo Peña, two of Loan’s brothers, were testifying as witnesses at the Goya prosecutor’s office, where they have been for more than four hours.

One of Loan’s brothers looked out a window of the prosecutor’s office to greet a girl

Camila went to ask for justice for Loan with her mother and took a photo with Mariano and Alfredo, brothers of the missing minor.

Alfredo Penaone of Loan’s brothers who is testifying at the Goya prosecutor’s office, He looked out of one of the building’s windows to greet a little girl with which he had been photographed last night before returning around July 9.

The little one Camila comes to her mother every day to ask for Loan to appear alive.. Always carry a sign that says “Loan Missing.”

Alfredo had appeared to testify yesterday along with three of his brothers and his parents, but they did not get to take his testimony. That is why he returned this Friday, accompanied by José, another of his brothers, who on Thursday stayed in 9 de Julio to look after the family’s minors while everyone went to Goya.

Exclusive: Loan’s father’s statement that complicated the raided aunt

José Peña spoke yesterday as a witness before the federal Justice and pointed out his sister Laudelina, partner of Antonio Benítez, one of the prisoners in the case, whose phone was seized by the Justice

José Peña upon arriving yesterday at the Goya Prosecutor’s Office with María, mother of the missing boy

José Peña, Loan’s father, testified yesterday Thursday for almost an hour before the federal court.

Loan’s father spoke after testifying before the Prosecutor’s Office

José, the father of the boy who disappeared 15 days ago, spoke briefly with the media while he was on his way to visit Catalina, his mother.

“I hope we find it”said the man, who yesterday testified as a witness before the Prosecutor’s Office in the city of Goya.

In addition, he maintained that he is calmer since the Federal justice system intervened, although he clarified that they still do not have new data. “We still don’t know anything, but hope remains intact,” said.

In that sense, he said that he distrusts everyone and confirmed that on the day of his son’s disappearance, no one told him that they were taking him to the orange grove. “No one asked me if they could take it,” she remarked. Likewise, he separated her mother as a possible suspect in the child’s disappearance.

He also spoke about his testimony. “They asked me everything,” he said.

Two of Loan’s brothers arrived at the Prosecutor’s Office to testify

Arrival of José, Loan’s brother, to testify at the Goya Prosecutor’s Office

Jose and Alfredo, brothers from Loanarrived around 1:00 p.m. at the headquarters of the Goya Prosecutor’s Office to provide statement as witnessesThey were originally scheduled to leave at 9am, but their departure from their home in 9 de Julio was delayed.

José is the only one of the relatives of the 5-year-old boy who did not travel yesterday to give his testimony because he was left in the care of his younger siblings, while Alfredo, who had traveled, had to return because he had not made it to his statement.

The search for Loan: they will use special drones in an area that has not yet been searched

The Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires will send cutting-edge equipment and trained personnel to try to find the boy who has been missing for 15 days in a region near the 9 de Julio area.

One of the Buenos Aires drones that will travel to Corrientes

The tasks to find Loan continue in Corrientes, in parallel to the federal Justice investigation. Now, the Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires was summoned to join the work with people and technical resources. The focus of this new phase of the search is an area close to the 9 de Julio area where the boy was last seen 15 days ago which, according to sources of the case, Infobaeit has not yet been raked with drones, reviewed with few personnel on foot.

They are investigating whether Loan is in Córdoba

The Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of District No. 1 of Córdoba, Shift 3, in charge of Jose Manainvestigates whether Loan is in the provincial capital.

The investigation began after a complaint from a woman resident of the city who said that on June 26, around 5 p.m.saw a child of the same age and with physical characteristics as Loan, at the door of the neighborhood dispensary Bishop Angelelli.

According to sources from the Cordoba Public Prosecutor’s Office, multiple search and investigation measures were ordered “in order to corroborate or discard this information.” The procedures are being carried out at this time.


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