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Chile Vamos closes electoral agreement for October elections and calls on other opposition parties to seek single candidates

During this afternoon, the parties grouped in Chile Vamos confirmed the electoral agreement for the elections next October, defining those who will compete for mayors and regional governments, confirming the names in 283 candidacies, but leaving other areas without confirmed names waiting for surveys that will define the candidates, as well as conversations with other parties.

The preliminary agreement occurs one month before the closing of the deadline to register the candidates who will compete in future elections and now from Chile Vamos they are seeking to reach an agreement with the remains of parties that are considered opposition to complete the list. which left at least 30 names blank.

Among the regions without a confirmed candidate for governor are the Metropolitan Region, O’Higgins Region, Maule Region, Ñuble Region, Los Ríos Region and Los Lagos Region; and another 24 names are missing for mayorships.

However, among those confirmed to compete for governor are names such as María José Hoffman (Valparaíso), Sergio Giacaman (Biobío) and Luciano Rivas (La Araucanía). In the case of municipalities, in Huechuraba the name of Maximiliano Luksic.

The president of Renovación Nacional (RN), Rodrigo Galilea, stated that “today we have completed the first stage of work in the Chile Vamos parties. RN, the UDI and Evópoli have agreed in more than 280 municipalities and several governorates to define the candidates who are going to represent us in the municipal elections.”

“This has been a great effort of articulation and unity and at the end of this first stage, We want to call on all other opposition parties, that is, the Yellows, Democrats, Republicans, Social Christians to do this same exercise.“This good work of unity, of generosity, to reach an agreement in all the missing communes,” added the senator for the Maule Region.

Regarding the missing names in the shared list, Galilea stated that “we have expressly left a number, More than 60 communes in which we have not put forward any candidate, precisely to start a conversation that we hope will be fruitful. as soon as possible with the other parties that make up the opposition.”

“This is a signal, precisely what we are looking for, that each of us and the parties that make up the opposition are able to put our names and share opinions and information and present unique candidacies that make sense to the people,” he added in this regard. .

Asked about the support for some names that have transcended, such as Ruth Hurtado (Republicans) in Recoleta, the president of RN stated that “we are not going to advance names in the communes that are, for now, without information, because we want to have an open dialogue , free and informed so that these communes have the best possible candidacy.”

Galilea was also consulted about the lack of definition of the block in the Regional Government of the Metropolitan Region and where it was expected that the former Minister of Health of the region, Rosa Oyarce, would be confirmed.

“At the RM we have left this decision open. There are several people interested in the position, a very important position. Rosa Oyarce is one of them, but we will do analysis and measurements and come to an agreement in Chile Vamos so that it will be the most constructive candidacy possible.”Galilea pointed out.

“We are not going to rule anyone out and we value those who made their names available to the parties,” he added regarding the names that have not been confirmed.

The president of the UDI, Javier Macayacommented that “this is a first step and I think it is the most relevant message today, that this is a first stage that is closed, but it has to open one of a lot of conversation and a lot of dialogue and the invitation we make to the parties and movements that consider themselves to be in opposition to a government that we believe must be defeated, to continue the conversation.”

“Our goal is clear: to put an end to bad left-wing governments. This list represents a great step and a great agreement within our coalition.. Now, in this second stage, we will continue to articulate and work with all the parties that are in opposition to the government in order to be able to arrive with a single candidate in October and thus return hope and security to Chileans,” said Macaya, who announced that talks will be held with Democrats, Yellows, Republicans, PDG and Social Christians.

In this regard, he stated that “We are available to support any opposition card that proves to be more competitive to defeat the left.” and that involves all the parties already mentioned” and also valued the time it took to reach this understanding between the Chile Vamos parties.

Meanwhile, the president of Evópoli, Gloria Hutt, He stressed that “the objective is to arrive at a final list on the day of registration of the candidates, of unity.”

Regarding the missing names that will be measured via survey, Hutt said that the instrument will be used when there are two names from the block that can represent Chile Vamos. “We are going to use a survey, which is an objective tool to select,” he said.

“The well-being of people depends a lot on their local authorities, which is why we have made a great effort here. I want to thank the parliamentarians who have proposed candidates and the regional directors who have taken care to raise regional leaders who have taken care to raise local leaders. There is a tremendous amount of work in selecting people and seeking a balance between the parties in Chile Vamos to have balanced geographic coverage and to represent the visions of each one in a very consistent way,” said the former constituent.

“We are very pleased with this agreement and with being able to present the country with the best candidates to lead local governments throughout the country. We have worked hard, on a list of representative people with knowledge of each of the communes, leaders all with great social roots, with experience, and management capacity to solve the innumerable problems that afflict citizens. A stage is coming now, just as important, which is to reach agreements with the other parties of the broad spectrum of the opposition, in search of unity, to complete this picture at the national level with the best in each commune, in a high-level conversation. with the other parties with whom we share the desire to improve the quality of life of Chileans from the municipalities,” concluded Hutt.

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