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They report a case of robbery against a taxi driver in Armenia, the union demands greater security


Precisely in the early morning of Friday, June 28 was registered the case of a robbery of a taxi driver in the city.

According to Leonardo García, driver of the union and who was a witness After the fact, a couple would be behind the criminal act. He explained that together with other colleagues from the yellow spot they were alerted about the theft situation so they withheld to said couple in the area of ​​the San José school so that the authority competent person will take action.

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He called attention to The authorities should provide greater support and avoid this type of situation. against the city’s public service union.

He stressed that The coordinated work between drivers through WhatsApp groups has been key. to intervene in a timely manner in the face of criminal acts.

Regarding judicial news, a homicide with a firearm It was registered in the municipality of Quimbaya on the night of Thursday, June 27.

According to information from the authorities, The victim was identified as Julián Alberto Rendon, 39 years old, who had a criminal record. for the crimes of homicide and prison escape, he had been a fugitive since September 2023.

According to the authorities’ initial investigations, Two men who were at the scene shot the victim and fled the scene.

Another event occurred this time in the coffee park of Armenia where a 21-year-old young man died in an act of intolerance.

The information of the Police report that a man identified as Maycol Estiven Gómez Valencia, 21 years oldwas injured with a sharp object and despite being immediately transferred to the San Juan de Dios Hospital, he died due to the severity of his injuries.

For these events, a minor of 16 years of age was arrested after being identified as responsible for the attack. For the above was placed at the disposal of the Adolescent Accountability Unit.


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