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June 28


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The deputy and head of the UCR block, Gustavo Galván, maintained that, as they are included in the National Budget, “these funds are legal and it is up to the Province to receive them.” He maintained that the Supreme Court will agree with La Rioja. He called for strict control over the destination of resources in the province.

The provincial deputy and head of the UCR block, Gustavo Galván, gave his opinion on the decision of the national government towards La Rioja to have suspended the sending of extra-coparticipatory funds and considered that the local Executive is right in its claim and that the Casa Rosada must send at some point those resources to the province.

«I think there is an elementary issue and that these funds, being included in the budget, are already legal. I believe that the Nation must respect that budget that is from 2022 onwards, including those extra-coparticipatory funds that have become law. That is to say, it is up to the province to receive these funds,” said Galván on Riojavirtual Radio.

The radical legislator also spoke of the judicial claim that the provincial government made against the Nation for the eight-month delay in sending those funds and said that “the Province is going to do well judicially because those funds are already included in the law.” ». «From a legal point of view, I must be honest, the Province is right because these funds are included in the law. Beyond the destination that we can discuss, these resources are already approved in the national Budget and therefore the national Government should send them to the Province,” he stressed.

In any case, Galván expressed his concerns about the lack of information on the part of the provincial government regarding how the extra-coparticipatory funds are spent. «Here the problem lies in the destination given to those funds. In the last provincial budgets approved by the Legislature, extra-coparticipatory funds were never included in that provincial budget,” he indicated.

The future of the UCR and an eventual alliance with the PRO and LLA

On the other hand, Galván was consulted about the position expressed by the radical councilor, Nazareno Rippa, who days ago maintained that for the legislative elections of 2025, the opposition must avoid the dispersion of the opposition vote, thus leaving open the possibility of a future alliance. politics with libertarians.

“The UCR has to recover its identity. Now, the strategies that are drawn up for next year or for the next elections are a decision that the party as a whole has to make. I would not rush to say that today, beyond the fact that Rippa said them in a personal capacity. These things have to be discussed within the party and a strategy established,” he said in this regard.

Galván considered that in the centennial party “we must be very careful about who we create alliances with because we have not done well in the last formations of electoral fronts, for example, the opposition block in the Constituent Convention has split and that happens because we stop looking for basic coincidences.” “We must create alliances not to win elections but to be able to govern and offer an alternative to society,” he concluded.


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