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UNC: unions deepen their fight plan and the start of the second semester is in danger

The conflict between university unions, grouped in the National University Trade Union Front, and the national government is worsening after several days of protests and demands by workers for a salary increase.

Without obtaining a response in line with the inflationary advance – the unions estimate a loss of between 40 and 60 points since Javier Milei took office – the teachers and researchers of the National University of Cordobarepresented by ADIUCdecided to deepen the plan of struggle after the successive snubs by the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Pettovello.

“The plenary session of the Executive Board and the Body of Delegates of ADIUC resolved to deepen the action plan with the suspension of the examination tables after the recess and the non-start of the second semester,” the union reported.

Now, the resolutions will be put up for consideration by the General Assembly of Affiliates, next Thursday, July 4 at the union headquarters, with the aim of ratifying the deepening of the fight plan for “living wages.”

After the national university strike of June 11 and 12, the national government decided, unilaterally, to update salaries by 4 percent for June, “consolidating an unprecedented blow to the pockets of teaching workers at national universities.”

Universities: unions announce new 48-hour strike

On June 14, the unions of the CONADU Base Associations Front They decided to carry out the Federal University Consultation on the continuity of the struggle plan. 1,200 teachers from all departments and categories participated in the survey.

Photo: Satoshi Higa / Cba24n Editorial Team.

The survey showed a general disposition favorable to carrying out mobilization, visibility actions (festivals, classes, public events, flyers, etc.), campaigns on social networks and deepening articulation with other actors and organizations in the university community, particularly the student body.

In this regard, ADIUC called a meeting of the Board and Delegates with student centers and student organizations on Friday, July 5, to agree on joint actions.

Universities: the Trade Union Front launches protests and demands “decent wages”

On July 4, the plan of struggle will be ratified to demand that the government restore the salaries of workers in the national university system and not defund academic research.

Of the points proposed after the plenary session of the Board and Delegates, the proposal stands out: suspend the exam tables after the July break and the non-start of the second semester

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