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“Femicide and violence against women”, citizen and intersectoral workshop convened by the Tarapacá Delegation, to continue advancing on this issue

As a way to inform and raise awareness in the community, the Regional Presidential Delegation of Tarapacá organized the didactic citizen workshop “Femicide and violence against women” with the participation of speakers from the Seremi de la Mujer y Equidad de Género, of the National Service of the Women and Gender Equality and the Regional Unit for Attention to Victims and Witnesses, Uravit, of the regional prosecutor’s office.

For the regional presidential delegate, Daniel Quinteros, the Government has made progress on the issue, highlighting the law that requires the payment of alimony “a situation that was known to everyone and we took action on the matter and today we have a law that allows us to level the playing field.

She adds that it seems to her that another of the structural factors “has to do with situations of violence or harassment in different spaces, particularly in the workplace, and there we have also promoted the promulgation of the Karin Law, which comes into force on August 1 and establishes a clear legal framework for the prevention and punishment of harassment and violence in the workplace in Chile.”


In the citizen workshop, Noemí Salinas, Seremi of Women and Gender Equality, presented on the topic “Gender violence, how it is expressed and how to give a first welcome to the victims”; Paula Fortte, regional public security coordinator, of the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, with the topic “How to report gender violence and why it is important to do so”; Paula Arancibia, from the Regional Unit for Attention to Victims and Witnesses (Uravit) of the regional prosecutor’s office; with the exhibition “Who to turn to to care for and protect victims and witnesses of gender violence.”

In addition, Rosa Hernández, from the National Service for Women and Gender Equality, with the topic “Public offering to address gender violence” and finally Nicolás Bravo, advisor to the Presidential Delegation, with the topic “Femicide in contexts of organized crime”.


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