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They murdered the stepson of the vice minister of Ethnic Peoples in Cauca; dissidents would be responsible

10:10 PM

The Cauca Regional Indigenous Council informed the public through its networks about the murder of Eyber Danilo Poto Pazú, stepson of the Vice Minister of Ethnic Peoples, Nelson Lemus. The incident would have occurred last Thursday, June 27, and those responsible would be the men of the Dagoberto Ramos front, belonging to the FARC Dissidents.

Eyber had been kidnapped on June 22 by men under the command of alias Pájaro in the village of El Tierrero, in the municipality of Caloto, department of Cauca.

Read also: FARC dissidents burned a truck in Huila to pressure extortion payments

The Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca (ACIN) had already expressed its rejection of this event through a statement, since Eyber was a member of the indigenous reservation of San Francisco. “The kidnapping of Eyber Danilo is framed in the actions of groups like the Dagoberto Ramos Front that, through force, abuse and violent subjugation, want to become authorities in foreign territories”expressed the indigenous community in the document when learning about the kidnapping of this man.

Several members of the National Government have rejected the fact, including the ICT Minister, Mauricio Lizcano. “I urge the authorities to take measures, forceful and agile actions that lead to the capture of those who perpetrated this reprehensible act in Cauca”was the trill published in solidarity with Lemus.

”These criminals want to plunge us into a miserable war to continue committing crimes against the withering of the Nation. These acts are far from a true vocation for peace. What do they get out of killing innocent people? What is the supposed fight for the people if they murder the same defenseless people with total inhumanity?was what the director of the National Planning Department, Alexander López Maya, tweeted on his X account.

You may be interested: Indigenous groups issued a harsh statement after the kidnapping of two community members in Cauca

The ACIN, the same entity that had reported the kidnapping of the lobbyist, reiterated that despite the complaints, the “warlords” continue to viciously murder in the area.

“We continue to be victims of the strategy of aggression implemented by armed groups against indigenous communities, who intimidate, kidnap and murder our community members, as also happened in the territory of Miranda on February 24 when Florentino Mesa was murdered”ACIN said, highlighting that this is not the first time that this type of incident has occurred.

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