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Disabled girl was brutally attacked by a health worker in Santander

09:40 PM

The IPS Health & Safety ruled against the acts of mistreatment towards a minor under 12 years of age with a disability that were committed by one of its workers in the municipality of Piedecuesta, Santander.

The medical entity categorically rejected the attacks which were recorded on video and announced that the collaborator had already been removed from her position.

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“We express our most sincere apologies and our deep disagreement with the inappropriate behavior committed by one of our psychologists towards an underage patient whose service did not meet the standards of quality and professionalism,” the IPS said in a statement.

The institution also pledged to cooperate with the justice system to clarify the facts and impose the appropriate sanctions.

“We initiated a thorough internal investigation and applied corrective measures to ensure that these situations do not occur again. We inform that the psychologist no longer works in our institution and the corresponding complaint was made to the Prosecutor’s Office. “which will be in charge of taking the appropriate actions,” Health & Safety concluded.

The abuse was recorded

A video showing the mistreatment caused anger and indignation to which the 12-year-old minor was subjected.

The events occurred inside a house in the Bariloche neighborhood of the municipality of Piedecuesta, where the victim arrived a 28-year-old young woman, a nursing and psychological professional, to perform therapy on the minor victim.

“My daughter has Rett syndrome, epilepsy, severe cognitive disability, sleep apnea and is a completely helpless child.she cannot communicate. She has been coming to the house for a few months now,” Sandra Patricia Carrillo Jaimes, the victim’s mother, told the newspaper Vanguardia.

The woman claims that she had been finding certain injuries on her daughter’s body that made her suspicious. She confirmed everything last Wednesday, June 26, after seeing the security cameras.

“I decided to go into the chamber, check and I found this person hitting my daughter with a chair, slapping her and hitting her in the face. A week ago, he found her lips split and scratches,” Carrillo Jaimes added.

Upon seeing the videos, the mother confronted the woman and also reported the abuse to the IPS to which the aggressor is linked.

“She says it was without fault, as if nothing had happened. I want you to help me because I understand it He is going to leave the country so as not to respond. This can not continue, There must be justice”cried the mother.

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The situation has already been brought to the attention of the Policewho provided support to the victim and his family through the Purple Patrol.

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