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Chapman Waugh insists on sustainability of hydraulic investments

Inés María Chapman Waugh, Cuban Deputy Prime Minister, insisted today in Pinar del Río on achieving the sustainability of the investments undertaken in the territory’s aqueduct network, one of the most deteriorated in the country.

To date, more than 48 million pesos have been executed in the province in a program that includes repair of pipeline sections and installation of equipment in the pumping stations of the main municipality, where the most complex panorama exists, even though All of Vueltabajo presents difficulties with the water supply.

Photos/Rafael Hernandez Rosell

He called for prioritizing work that guarantees the functionality and stability of the provincial capital, taking into account that the largest number of people affected by the long cycles of water supply are concentrated there.

In that sense, he emphasized the need to work comprehensively to achieve a measurable impact on the population; and to recruit professionals and technicians in order to maintain jobs.

Photos/ Rafael Hernández Rosell

Chapman Waugh, accompanied by the highest authorities of the Party and the Government in the province, visited the city tank, which supplies the highest area and was in a precarious situation with the pumping equipment due to its advanced state of deterioration.

The cycles exceeded 20 days and have decreased thanks to the replacement of two pumps, while two more must be added, explained Roberto Capote Amador, deputy director of the Basic Business Unit of the Aqueduct and Sewerage of Pinar del Río.

He noted that the conclusion of the work will allow stability in supply, less than 10 days; and referred to constant monitoring and advice to operators to avoid breakages due to manipulation.

Photos/ Rafael Hernández Rosell

The deputy prime minister also confirmed the replacement tasks of 2.5 kilometers of the 36-inch conductor – responsible for supplying the Hermanos Cruz and Montequín distributions – and where 60 liters per second are lost while driving.

Antonio Rodríguez, president of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, stated that as part of the 25 actions conceived in Vueltabajo after the passage of Hurricane Ian, the Celso Maragoto popular council in the capital city and the installation of two pumping units in Dimas, Mantua, are still underway.

Photos/ Rafael Hernández Rosell

In addition, the expansion of the works in La Coloma, the installation of pumping equipment and waterproofing of the tank in Minas de Matahambre.

Inés María Chapman Waugh also visited the municipality of Viñales where she was interested in actions to improve the water supply and reduce the delivery of water in pipes.

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