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Marcelo Lagos warned of the link between the earthquake in Peru and Chile: “A great event is incubating”

The well-known geographer analyzed the recent 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Arequipa, ensuring that “Peru has always shared the seismic threat with the entire north of Chile” and “this is no exception.”

Following the recent 7.0 magnitude earthquake recorded in the Arequipa region, Peru, in With you in the morning Contact was made with the geographer Marcelo Lagos and he carried out a analysis regarding this earthquake which could be linked to Chile.

In this regard, the expert stated that “Peru has always shared the seismic threat with the entire north of Chile and clearly we have always been on the lookout for a big event to happen in those territories. And this is not the exception”.

“The threat is latent”

However, although the earthquake this morning was not felt intensely in Arica, Lagos stressed that “the threat is latent” and that there are possible aftershocks.

The recent tremor, he noted, “is connected to the 2007 earthquake in Peru and gradually is breaking up segments of an area that has a history of major eventss,” he continued.

Peru is incubating a great eventthe entire Peruvian coast, particularly off Lima. And that scenario is going to be very different,” said the professional.

Following this, he indicated that “These events, given their magnitude of 7 or close to 7, do not really release the accumulated energy. The events that really release that long-accumulated budget are generally magnitudes over 8″.

I wouldn’t let my guard down, quite the opposite. The more time passes, the higher the probability of a major event. However, today’s science cannot say where, when, what magnitude or depth,” he added.

Seismic scenario for Chile

Continuing with the warnings, Marcelo Lagos declared that, like what is envisioned for Peru, “the central zone of Chile is waiting for a great event like the one that occurred in 1730 (Valparaíso)“.

Even so, reiterating the situation in the neighboring country, he pointed out that in the event of a possible megaearthquake in said territory, they would be the probability of a possible tsunami is low on the Chilean coasts.

“Peru faces south west, therefore any earthquake that occurs, The wave train goes towards New Zealand, not towards Chile. We are more exposed to what happens in Japan,” said the geographer.

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