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The Ipross scam and Agustina’s femicide could be key in the definition of a high position in Roca

The historic trial for the Ipross fraud in Roca and the conviction of Pablo Parra for the femicide of Agustina Fernández in Cipolletti could have an impact on a coveted position in the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Second District. The fact is that the prosecutors who carried out these investigations are two of the main competitors for the race for chief prosecutor: Gastón Britos Rubiolo – along with Marcelo Ramos – and Martín Pezzetta. But two women with good scores also appear on the list: María Belén Calarco and Irma Cascallares.

The winner will accompany the two women who hold that position: Graciela Echegaray and Teresa Giuffrida. It is the only headquarters of the Judicial Branch of Río Negro with two female heads in the Public Ministry.

First qualification of the contest

The contest already has a background qualification and in that category Brites took the lead with a very high score: 17.75 out of 20. In second place is another prosecutor from Río Negro: Daniel Zornitta who also surpassed 17 points, but the sanction that the Judicial Council applied to him in 2018 for his derogatory statements against women practically left him out of the race.

In fact, he is perhaps the official with the greatest participation in competitions in recent years. and despite his good grades he never managed to leave the Río Colorado prosecutor’s office. Cascallares completes the podium with 16.60, while Calarco obtained 15.45 and Pezzetta with 15.58.

Who also has a recent “stain” is Calarco: She was removed from the case against journalist Emiliano Gatti at the beginning of the trial for revealing information in an interview. However, her good performance in the Roca prosecutor’s office keeps her in suspense.

In the corridors of the Roque courts, Britos appears as the “favorite” of the attorney Jorge Crespo
He is young and is said to have great technical ability, however he still shows limitations in oral communication, the main characteristic of the accusatory system in Río Negro. The recent resolution of the fraud against the State’s social security system has promoted him as one of the top favorites.

Pezzetta is the only “foreign” prosecutor with a chance and comes from his most important achievement as a homicide investigation in the Fourth District: to resolve the femicide of the young woman Agustina Fernández. When the ruling was announced, the prosecutor burst into inconsolable tears. A scene like this has never been seen before in the Judicial Branch of Río Negro. The point against it for the lawyer is that it would leave a significant “gap” in the structure of the organization in the Alto Valle Oeste corridor.


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