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In the Cauca Valley, the population is aging

20 years ago, 62 thousand births were attended in Valle del Cauca and so far in the first half of 2024, the number of births does not reach 15 thousand.

The above indicates that the fertility rate in the region has decreased significantly and the aging of the department’s population has increased.

In this regard, María Cristina Lesmes, Secretary of Health of Valle, said that “we have seen a decline in the fertility rate of Valle del Cauca residents, going back 20 years when there were 62 thousand births and this year, so far at the end of the first semester, we have not exceeded 15 thousand, that is, there is a progressive decrease in fertility and population in the department, because the population is aging, we do not have new children and the older ones die.”


For this reason, Lesmes highlighted that, given the lack of youth population and lack of community turnover, “the provision of health services must increasingly be directed towards older adults and with that the appearance of chronic and degenerative diseases, especially the number of people with age-related cancer.”

He also indicated that the global demographic trend generated by the aging of the population is a task that requires actions in the Cauca Valley to guarantee health care for its inhabitants.

For this reason, the Valle Health Secretariat has been strengthening health care for this population in the face of the challenge of generational aging.

This is how programs such as the deconcentration of specialized services in the municipalities and the creation of the Comprehensive Integrated Health Network are carried out.

The Secretary of Health of Valle del Cauca indicated that “the aim is to strengthen health care for the people of Valle del Cauca, actions that aim to guarantee their quality of life in the face of the challenge of the aging of the population in the department.”

Global trend

In the Cauca Valley, the global trend of an ageing population is also observed.

Experts say this is due to several reasons:

Increased life expectancy

Thanks to improvements in public health, nutrition and living conditions, life expectancy has increased significantly worldwide, especially in high- and middle-income countries.

Decreasing birth rate

At the same time, the birth rate has declined in most countries, reducing the percentage of the young population relative to the older population.

Inequalities in aging

However, this population aging has not occurred uniformly.

There are large disparities, with some older people enjoying good health and resources, while others live in poverty and with health problems.

Increase in the population aged 80 or over

In particular, the population group aged 80 and over is growing even faster, and is expected to triple between 2020 and 2050.

Faster aging in low- and middle-income countries

While aging began first in high-income countries, the most important changes are currently occurring in low- and middle-income countries.

In summary, global population aging is due to a combination of increases in life expectancy and decreases in the birth rate, with important differences between regions and socioeconomic groups.


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