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The fall in economic activity impacted with the closure of Medamax – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little newspaper

On June 14, the supermarket chain closed in Salta and left 32 families without jobs. From the Trade Union they point out that there was an agreement on compensation.

The councilor and union secretary of the Trade Employees Union Angel Ortiz talked with New dairy on the closure of the Medamax supermarket chain.

“On June 14, the Medamax company closed its branch in Salta, that same day it proceeded to dismiss the workers. Meetings were held, the Ministry of Labor was established where the company signed an agreement with the workers in which the union also intervened,” he reported.

The closure left 32 families without a livelihood. The agreement resulted in the company making the payment of back wages. The compensations, meanwhile, were agreed with each worker according to their particular situation.

Those who had less than 3 years of service received 100% of the compensation value. Meanwhile, the rest of the workers who have between 8 and 15 years of seniority received around 76% of the total value of the corresponding compensation.

Ortiz pointed out that the situation comes from the drop in consumption as a result of the national crisis. “The dangerous thing about the fall in economic activity and people’s consumer power is that it directly affects business sales. Companies that have or are in a crisis situation, or going through economic problems, find their ability to recover complicated,” he said.

The councillor reported that the first quarter of the year marked a drop of almost 7% in the CUIL registration, that is, registered workers. Sales have dropped by around 40%.

In businesses linked to the construction sector, he noted that the decline is greater, linked to the paralysis of public works.


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