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Joint negotiations in Río Negro: ATE accepted the salary offer and requested a payment date

The guild of the state ATE resolved this afternoon in the Plenary of General Secretaries accept the latest wage offer that the Government presented yesterday in collective bargaining and request clarification regarding the date of payment of the fixed sums for the supplementary payroll.

The deliberation of ATE with the general secretaries of each section began at 12:30 and around 2:15 p.m. the decision was made. Hours earlier, UPCN, the administration’s other union, rejected the salary proposal.

According to the management of ATE, acceptance is “the agreement is subject to the date of the increase being specified in June” of the sums of $50,000, $60,000 and $70,000 according to category and grouping that will be settled by complementary form in July.

The union led by Rodrigo Vicente also conditioned its approval on the fact that A date for a collective bargaining meeting is set in July to determine increases for that month since the portion of the bonus corresponding to the June increase that -logically- was not computed is liquidated retroactively.

The official proposal includes laundering $15,000 in June plus $15,000 in July corresponding to the October 2023 bonus.

ATE assessed that with these sums, the Initial minimum wage would be $706,485 in July for Law 1844, for non-medical personnel of Law 1904 at $852,440, medical personnel $974,121 and full-time physicians at $1,259,469.

The union again insisted on the demand for the whitening of all non-remunerative and non-bonifiable sums and claimed the Increase in all additional and overtime hours for doormen and doorwomens, the transfer to contracts of workers who are paid through teaching hours, an increase in guards and the operator bonus for Senaf and Human Development. He also requested the regularization of recategorizations owed in all sectors of public administration.

Yesterday ATE received in joint terms the same salary proposal that it had obtained in two instances but only for the month of June. The scheme is that public administration employees receive a fixed sum of 50,000 to 70,000 pesosdivided into three sections according to category and ranking, non-remunerative and non-bonifiable.

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