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The works in Huila continue – Part 2

By: Hugo Fernando Cabrera Ochoa

One of the promises of courage that was very strong at one point in the last electoral campaign for the governorship of Huila and that left the prominent political leader Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera as the winner, was the implementation of extremely important works for the department and its people, during the government of Luis Enrique Dussán López, one of its most prominent bishops. Giving continuity to them and recognizing their origin gives height to the present administration.

Bringing gas to remote regions of this territory was one of the most significant bets of the Huila Crece government, which was headed by Dussán López, who is currently enjoying a well-deserved rest after such a busy and unusual period of government, I repeat, with a pandemic, social unrest, a winter wave, serious illnesses that plagued the former president, and the unfortunate loss of his beloved wife.

However, adversity, his nobility and his character allowed him to move forward in favor of the people of Huila, supporting agricultural producers in an unrestricted manner, investing in education, culture, health, tourism, basic sanitation, roads, comprehensive social development, among many other works of great impact, some of which were inaugurated and others that remained in execution or to be executed, but already planned and financed.

I am going to focus on the gasification projects, a historic investment that reached $83,271 million, which benefited 18,982 families; That is to say, nearly 80,000 Huilenses who cooked with firewood, with gasoline or who ran after a truck to be able to purchase a gas cylinder, paying for very expensive fuel, can now have the service at a much lower price and in the comfort of your home.

Those who have not cooked with firewood, have not had to face respiratory crises due to diseases caused by the smoke generated in this type of practices, or have not had to go to the mountains to collect wood to be able to process food, may not be able to measure what this management and work means, but if you consider the benefits for those people who live in the remote corners of the department, perhaps you will be able to understand the true impact that these investments mean.

I am pleased to know that a large part of these works, which were not finished, are still in process and are moving forward in the hands of a person with the social and human sensitivity of an excellent leader, who has demonstrated with actions throughout his public life, his great responsibility and commitment to the community, regardless of whether it has supported his political actions or not.

I am convinced that the trust that the people of Huila placed in the current governor is the response and recognition of his outstanding and praiseworthy work. In addition, we must take into account the importance of the great team that has always accompanied him and that has been nourished day after day with valuable figures such as Flora Perdomo Andrade, who, thanks to her legislative management, also contributes a lot to the country and especially to this wonderful region of southern Colombia.

Addendum: May the works initiated by the Huila Crece government continue, as well as many more initiatives of this mandate to build a Great Huila day by day.

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