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DNI inspection rules out any participation in alleged interceptions of magistrates

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“He ruled out, within the limits of what was reasonable, that the National Intelligence Directorate had any involvement in the alleged interceptions,” is the conclusion of the report of the General Inspection of the DNI regarding the complaints of alleged ‘tricks’ to magistrates of the High Courts.

The report shows the conclusions of the internal investigations regarding intelligence and counterintelligence tasks involving senior dignitaries and members of the Judicial Branch. In a brief statement, the DNI points out that “In the entity’s repository, there is no information related to the Honorable Magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice.”

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The Inspection responds to suspicions communicated to the agency by magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice, headed by its then president Fernando Castillo Cadena, regarding possible illegal wiretapping. The togados expressed their concern on at least three occasions.

“It analyzed intelligence and counterintelligence work missions carried out in the second half of 2023, related to internet searches, and ruled out profiling of Senior Justice Dignitaries“, details the Inspection report.

These conclusions were known just when there is a new controversy underway due to possible ‘tricks’ This time, the judge of the Constitutional Court, Jorge Enrique Ibáñez, his wife and four assistant judges.

Faced with this, the Inspection ordered the opening of a verification process.

Context: “Those who believe they can exert undue pressure are wrong”: Judge Ibáñez on possible wiretapping

“The General Inspection decided to open the respective verification. The same situation is predicated of the Senior Dignitaries of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, who have noted the same concern“the intelligence agency’s statement said.

Illegal interceptions are an old practice with which control was exercised over the opposition and the Judiciary. FIt was very controversial during the government of former president, Álvaro Uribe.

Since coming to power, Head of State Gustavo Petro has tried to stay away from actions that could link him to previous mandates, however, The current complaints about ‘fucking’ have put it in the same scenario where governments were accused of exercising control illegally.

However, since the Eexecutive insist that no actions are being taken that disrespect the autonomy of powers.

“Since the beginning of his government, the President of the Republic, Dr. Gustavo Petro Urrego, ordered the General Inspection Office to verify strict compliance with the intelligence law, within the highest standards of respect, protection and guarantee of human rights. This Office has been fulfilling this mandate, in order to prevent the persecution of High-Level Justice Officials, as occurred in the past, from ever being repeated,” the DNI concludes.

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