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Mayor Tomás Vodanovic admits he is single and lights up hearts – Publimetro Chile

In the YouTube program hosted by Roberto Cox with Nico Cabargas, “Nothing to Lose”, , who spoke more intimately about his life and his political role, was a guest.

One of the most direct questions he was asked was about his love and social life, and the mayor was clear: right now there is no room for love.

And the conversation started when the hosts praised the community leader’s hard-working body, which has made the news on repeated occasions due to the photos he uploaded from his vacation or the opening of the pool season, where his “six pack” was up to trending topic.

“Yes, I’m single, it’s not a matter of time, but being in a relationship does take up your time, I’m full of work.”

— Tomas Vodanovic

“I take care of myself and I do it because I like to be healthy.”“Part of preparing for my job is going to bed early, to be able to get up early, sleep, etc,” Vodanovic clarified, while making it clear that he does sports for health. “I am not a person who cares about their appearance or fashion,” he added.

And love, mayor?

The mayor answered the question that was obvious. He is single. Yes…single. “Yes, I am single, it is not a matter of time, but being in a relationship does take up your time, I am full of work, I am a normal person, there may be time, but I have not opened larger commitments at this stage“, accurate.

And he clarified that he put his efforts into this first period, “because it is demanding and there have to be some resignations, clearly more than having a partner, I prefer to do it this way, people tell me that I have to live a normal life, but I have been extremely careful.”

“In life there are moments for everything, but I still find it strange, I don’t know, to go to a mayor’s disco and ask ‘did you want to dance?’ ‘no,’ and then the mayor turning around with a glass, ‘I’m not doing very well,’” Vodanovic said, causing laughter in the studio.

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