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The closure of winter pools “seems like an outrage to me, it harms many people”

Saturday, June 29, 2024, 09:31

In this Saturday’s section, citizens show their discontent about the closure of the Lobete and La Ribera swimming pools, about the salary that caretakers at the residences receive and about the heat they endure on the Metropolitan bus.

The Reader’s Telephone starts in Albelda. A user of the Metropolitan bus that passes through the municipality considers that “it is very hot inside the vehicle, I asked the driver about the air conditioning and he told me it was on.” Faced with this stifling situation, he demands “correct functioning of the air conditioning.”

  1. «There is no deadline for delivery of letters»

In relation to the complaint published last Tuesday in which a reader expressed her anger with Correos, a resident of Logroño replied as follows: “A regular letter arrived 35 days after I sent it. I hope you are not in a hurry because there is no deadline for delivery if you do not pay for express mail.”

A closure that “harms us”

The following caller sends another complaint related to the closure of the winter swimming pools in Logroño. “I think it is an outrage, this harms many people who use the facilities in Lobete and La Ribera.” “Thanks to those responsible for ruining our summer,” he concludes in an ironic tone.

  1. More pay for caregivers

A woman from Logroño seems to have the solution to finding the staff that private residences for the elderly require: “you just have to pay them the salary they deserve and they will have all the carers they need,” she explains. In her opinion, they should increase the number of public residences and make the workers in these centres and also those who provide home care civil servants. To finish off her suggestion, she wants to point out the “poor care that the elderly receive, they should monitor it from social services, but they don’t care.”

  1. Real support for local businesses

A reader wants to give her opinion on the recent campaign launched by the FER, the City Council of Logroño and the ADER, which highlights local commerce. “What they should do is raise awareness among citizens so that they do not buy from homes where they sell products and objects that do not have a health registration and that do not comply with the regulations for self-employed workers,” she says with resignation. This Logroño native runs a business in the capital and calls on the people of La Rioja to contribute to truly small businesses.

  1. A square that cannot be enjoyed

A resident of Torrecilla is waiting for the rubble left in the square after the construction work to be removed so that he can enjoy the space and the benches available.

  1. “Equality” among workers

“Civil servants work fewer hours than the rest,” explains this woman from La Rioja with resignation. Faced with this situation, she requests “equality between all workers, they have to work the same hours.”

  1. “The war continues, but not the camping”

We end with a man from Logroño who expresses his opinion regarding two issues that were discussed in this section last Wednesday. The first of them is related to the elimination of the Wealth Tax announced by President Gonzalo Capellán and which one reader described as a “regressive measure.” Faced with this criticism, this neighbor wants to tell him that “I agree with what was announced, it is a logical measure.” The second issue on which he speaks is the “destruction” caused in the UR garden during the camp in favor of Palestine. “Who is going to pay for what they have ruined?” he asks. Likewise, he wants to send a message to the students: «The war is not over, but since the course has already ended, they want to enjoy the summer and the festivals. In Palestine they continue to die, but those who camped are already on vacation », he concludes.

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

  • Answering machine:

    Leave your message at 941 279105

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    Leave your text (or a voice message) at 690 879609, indicating that it is for The Reader’s Phone

  • The Chili Pepper

    If your complaint comes with a photo, you can also send it to us at 690 879609, or by email to [email protected]

The emptiness of the morning on Guillén de Brocar street

A reader wants to draw attention to the emptiness of Guillén de Brocar Street. “That’s how it is every morning,” she says. “If you don’t pay, you don’t park,” she adds to her explanation. The reader wants to reflect on the capital of Rioja to finish: “In Logroño we only have commerce and hospitality left, if we no longer let them park very soon there will be nothing left.”

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    The greatest number of calls should be brief, clear and concise in their presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages containing disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism, of people and institutions has its specific space in the section “Letters to the Editor” in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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