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Physics and Engineering professionals graduated from the Balseiro Institute. 9 nuclear – More Rio Negro

Members of different careers from the Balseiro Institute, in Bariloche, were received in a presentation ceremony that took place yesterday, Friday the 28th. There are 16 new professionals who already contribute to the Argentine scientific and technological development of Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and the Masters and Doctorates in Physical and Engineering Sciences.

The Balseiro Institute, every time a new class of Engineers, Masters and Doctors obtains their degree, celebrates it at its graduation ceremony.

Authorities from the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) and the National University of Cuyo (UNCUYO) were present in the historic assembly hall of the Balseiro Institute. With pride and joy, members of class no. 45 in Nuclear Engineering, promotion no. 20 of Mechanical Engineering and the 2024 promotions of their Master’s Degrees and their Doctorates in Physics and Engineering.

Thus, nine Nuclear Engineering professionals, two Mechanical Engineering professionals, also four Master’s degrees in Engineering and Physical Sciences and two other professionals received their Doctorate degrees, in Engineering and Physics, respectively.

The academic board was made up of the vice president of the CNEA, Luis Rovere, the rector of UNCUYO, Esther Sánchez, the director of the Balseiro Institute, Mariano Cantero, and the two vice directors of Balseiro: Graciela Bertolino from the Engineering Area, and Marcelo Kuperman from the Science Area.

The applause in the historic auditorium was repeated many times, but it sounded louder each time one of the speakers had the opportunity to talk about public education. These new professionals earned their degree thanks to the strategic commitment that CNEA has made since 1955, to support with scholarships the exclusive dedication to study and the provision of first-class laboratories, and the academic training guaranteed by UNCUYO.

“There is a collective decision as a country for these things to happen. “Society finances us,” recalled the director of the Balseiro Institute, Mariano Cantero. Addressing the recent graduates, he added: “The title they receive has enormous prestige. They’re going to see it. Not only in Argentina, but also in many places around the world. It will open many doors for you. “That gives you the commitment to perform very professionally, because what you do is going to be what opens the doors to the next generations.”

In addition, the authorities of the CNEA, the UNCUYO, gave speeches, and a message was read by the governor of Río Negro. “It is absolutely incredible the amount of ideas, projects, that are everywhere in the CNEA. I call on you to participate in these projects; “They are a huge opportunity,” said Luis Rovere, vice president of the CNEA. For her part, the rector of UNCUYO, Esther Sánchez, assured that this achievement is a collective effort, of the entire society, “Funding institutions that train our youth and that have the task of keeping the wheel turning and making this country work.”.

Alberto Weretilneck, governor of Río Negro, in his message, which was read during the event, congratulated the new graduates“for the effort and dedication that this educational journey has demanded of them and that today places them among the best in the country (…) The Balseiro Institute is excellence and a great source of pride for the province of Río Negro.”

A country represented

The new Nuclear Engineers are: Ramiro Castro Torre, Matías Gimenez, Cynthia Güttlein, Gaspar Iglesias, Martín Madrid, Francisco Miranda, Abril Moine, Ignacio Penesi. The Mechanical Engineering graduates are Luciano Casanova and Joaquín Fabiani.

They entered the Balseiro Institute after having completed the first years of their career in other universities in the country, such as the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires, the National University of Comahue, the National University of Córdoba, the National University of Cuyo, the National University del Litoral, the National University of Mar del Plata, the National University of Rosario, and the Regional Buenos Aires and Regional Córdoba Faculties of the National Technological University.

Masters and Doctorates

Just as its students come from different corners of Argentina, they also come to this academic institution from places in Latin America to train. On this occasion, the following received their Master’s degrees in Engineering: Marcelo Castelao Caruana, born in Buenos Aires; Fernando Roberto Gómez, born in the city of Neuquén; and Lourdes Martins Rodríguez, born in Valencia, Venezuela. Andrés Dosil Rivas, from Sucre, also from Venezuela, also received his degree in the Master’s Degree in Physics.

Finally, the Doctor in Physics, Carlos Valencia Urbina, born in Pamplona, ​​Colombia, and the Doctor in Engineering Sciences William Machaca Abregúm, born in Huancavelica, Republic of Peru, received their diplomas.

Authorities and awards

The event was attended by national, provincial and municipal authorities, as well as teachers, career directors and the community of the Institute, CNEA, UNCUYO and the Bariloche Atomic Center. Families and friends of those celebrated also participated in the event.

After the presentation of diplomas, awards and mentions were distributed. The INVAP company awarded Gaspar Iglesias for achieving the best average in promotion no. 45 of Nuclear Engineering. For its part, YPF awarded the brand new Engineers Luciano Casanova and Joaquín Fabiani, who on the last day of classes ended up tying for the best average in class no. 20 of Mechanical Engineering.

For its part, the Balseiro Foundation recognized the work of teachers Mariela Grinberg and Juan Carlos García from the Nuclear Engineering and Mechanical Engineering majors, chosen for this award by each class of students.

The Balseiro Institute Alumni Association (AEIB) presented gifts to the graduates: the book “José Antonio Balseiro: chronicle of an illusion”, by Arturo López Dávalos and Norma Badino, or the book “The atomic secret of Huemul. Chronicle of the origin of atomic energy in Argentina”, by Mario Mariscotti. As is tradition, new doctors and teachers who recently retired were also mentioned. Professors who have passed away recently were also remembered.

Prior to the event, the graduates had the opportunity to record an audiovisual where in brief words they explained their degree theses and expectations for their near future. The videos can be seen at this link: You can also access the mini biographies of the new professionals on the Institute’s Instagram profile: Those who want more information about admission to the 2024 undergraduate and graduate courses can access them through linktr. ee/ingresobalseiro

At the end of the event, the audience was moved by the words of the Vice Director of Engineering at Balseiro, Graciela Bertolino, who asked the recent graduates to enjoy every step of their path in this career, which is “a path that as one grows becomes more and more beautiful”. Finally he added: “Everything you do in life is much better if you have one or more friends to count on.”

Today, the project initiated by the first director of this Institute, José Antonio Balseiro, is once again bearing fruit like an apple tree. New professionals are emerging from their nursery to face the challenges that science and technology have in store for Argentine society and the world.

Source: Communication and Press Department of the Balseiro Institute

Photo credit: Lucia Jalil

Balseiro Institute, San Carlos de Bariloche, 06/28/2024

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