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Model plant opened in Córdoba and investments are being prepared for Santa Fe

Six months ago, it moved production to a neighbouring province and now has plans for an old factory structure.

Once the controversy generated by the need to move the production of provoletas from the urban area of Rufinothe dairy businessman Enrique Bianchi at the head of the firm Parrilacis about to intervene in the old structure where fluid is no longer processed. The plan now is to cut the cheeses that are made 60 kilometers from the city in the south of Santa Fe, in the Cordoba region.

For 6 months now, Parrilac has been producing the merchandise that it previously made in Rufino in the industrial park of Laboulaye. The move to a location was precipitated by the absence of land suitable for building the new location in the Santa Fe area. “We had to move forced, first because the old Rufino dairy plant generated problems with the neighbors, but we went to Laboulaye because in Rufino we could never find a sector suitable to invest in the warehouse that we did set up,” Bianchi lamented, in contact with biz pointHowever, the man assures that “the worst is over and now that we have the new operational factory structure, we are starting a plan to prioritize what was left in Rufino.”

As outlined by the Parrilac representative to this medium at the beginning of last year, they are now moving forward with a master plan to transform the old production unit in Rufino into a cutting plant. “The cheese will arrive prepared from Laboulaye and as distribution is centralized in Buenos Aireswe articulated a scheme through which the 60 kilometers from the city of Córdoba to the town of Santa Fe are traveled through National Route 7 and in Rufino the provoletas are divided and packaged to then move along the same route to the Federal Capital where the company’s administration is located,” described Bianchi.

The old Rufino plant was inaugurated many decades ago by Uco Valley SA, a defunct dairy company that packaged fluid milk under the Gurí brand. The establishment later became a cheese producer after the family purchased the property. Suitahistoric cheese masters of the area. The productive exploitation continued until Bianchi took over the plant with Parrilac. From that moment on, he adapted the establishment to specifically make provoletas, which he began to place in grills in Capital Federal and Greater Buenos Aires under the brand Nonna Pia.

The business grew and Bianchi began to sell its vacuum-packaged provolets in large hypermarket chains such as Carrefour, Coto and Makro. “Today we are among the leading chains, a fact that allows us to weigh the lack of demand from restaurants and grills that, with the decline in customers, have reduced orders. People no longer go out to eat, but they do the roast with the provoleta at home,” added the businessman.

“The truth is that there were 50 employees left in Rufino who will now be dedicated to cutting. That means a significant outlay to adapt the old plant with cutting and packaging lines,” explained the head of Parrilac. The roadmap includes inaugurating the infrastructure in Rufino before the end of the year.


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