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Who was Caesar Augustus, the richest man in ancient history. Today he could buy Apple and he would have enough to keep Bill Gates’ assets

Caesar Augustus ruled Rome and created the Police, Fire Department, Post Office and Treasury of the time.

If we think of rich people who are too rich, today we can think of Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, figures who occupy the podium on the Forbes list. We would also be surprised by Larry Ellison and if we look back we would come across the impressive 16th century European businessman Jakob Fugger. In fact, This gentleman would only be the fifth richest person in history.

Because the first place would be occupied by the Italian Caesar Augustus (63 BC – 14 AD), who accumulated such wealth that, if translated into today’s world, we would be talking about 6 billion euros. That is, he would be able to buy Apple and Bill Gates’s assets, valued at another 300 billion euros, in addition to Microsoft. Yes, both companies. But who was this man? Well, he was quite a fascinating man.

Who was Caesar Augustus

Born Gaius Octavius ​​Thurinus in Rome, Italy, on 23 September 63 BC and died in Nola, Italy, on 19 August 14 AD, this man rose to power very early. Adopted by his great-uncle Julius Caesar (who was assassinated a few years later), He led a military dictatorship known as the Second Triumviratein charge of the Roman Empire when it accounted for almost 25% of the world’s economic output. Even Egypt, which had fallen into disgrace by then, belonged to him to the point of yielding all its martial power to him.

And although the war was a good deal, the greatest success of his government was translated by the Pax Augusta or Pax Romana, a period of stability where he carried out profound economic and institutional reforms. In fact, Augustus’s wealth came not only from his political control, but also from his economic astuteness. He oversaw vast reforms that stabilized and expanded the Roman economy..

Creating wealth from security and public order

Service bodies such as Police, firefighters, sewer control, postal service, tax collection…all these bodies were created under his rule, when Rome dominated much of the known world, from Hispania to Egypt, ensuring a constant flow of tributes, taxes and war spoils. And mind you, at that time a slave cost around 20,000 euros. Rome had several million at its service.

If Augustus were alive today, his empire would extend to the technological domain, from Artificial Intelligence to self-driving vehicles, from space rocket production to rare earth prospecting. A mix of SpaceX + Nvidia + PerthWith Apple and Microsoft under its wing, it would control a significant share of the market for mobile devices, computers, cloud services and business software.

In other words, he would be such a powerful figure that he could bury new leaders like Amazon, Oracle or Alpabeth (owners of Google). All three. Obviously, The Markets Commission would not tolerate a monopoly of this caliber, or so we want to believeBut the mere thought of a world without Microsoft and Apple, whose valuation is around $2.5 trillion, is unimaginable.

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