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Javier Milei will hold a vigil for the May Pact in Tucumán

During today’s session, the Government announced that the president Javier Milei will hold a vigil in the province of Tucumán before July 9, due to the signing of the May Pact.

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Javier Milei will hold a vigil for the May Pact

The information was released by presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni at his usual press conference, where he explained: “On the 8th (of July) we will hold the vigil and after 12 at nightafter singing the verses of the Argentine national anthem, The May Pact will be signed and President Milei will offer a few words”.

He also added that: “The Governors, former presidents, legislators and leaders of political parties will be invited on July 9 in Tucumán to constitute 10 points so that Argentina is a land of prosperity.”

Javier Milei will hold a vigil for the May Pact in Tucumán

What are the 10 points of Javier Milei’s May Pact

  • The inviolability of private property
  • The non-negotiable fiscal balance
  • The reduction of public spending to historical levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product
  • A tax reform that reduces tax pressure, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes trade
  • The re-discussion of federal tax sharing to end the current extortionate model forever

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  • A commitment by the provinces to advance the exploitation of the country’s natural resources
  • A modern labor reform that promotes formal work
  • A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system, respects those who contributed and allows those who prefer to subscribe to a private retirement system
  • A structural political reform that modifies the current system and realigns the interests of the representatives and those represented.
  • Opening up to international trade, so that Argentina becomes a protagonist in the global market again


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