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A ruling suspends a precautionary measure that required the reinstatement of fired workers who blocked the factory

The National Court of First Instance of Labor Number 69, in charge of Judge Ignacio Ramonetsuspended the injunction that forced the SME Lácteos Vidal to reinstate the dismissed workers belonging to the dairy union due to the blockade of the plant in July of last year.

Besides, suspended the 400% rise in interest rates (from $10,000 to $50,000 per day per worker) as arranged last Wednesday.

“They suspended my precautionary measure. Don’t suffer any more, go Argentina. I have so many to thank that I can’t. Excitement, hope, good always triumphs.. You have to walk straight through life. Be honest with yourself and fight for justice until the end,” he wrote Alejandra Bada Vázquezowner of the SME, on her social network after the ruling was announced.

“Precautionary measures have certain characteristics: they are provisional, mutable or variable, in the sense that they can be revoked or modified whenever circumstances arise that make it advisable. They are accessory, since they do not have an end in themselves, but that are linked to a main process and are issued in an unprecedented manner, beyond the notification of its implementation to the opposing party,” the magistrate stated in his ruling.

Alejandra Bada Vázquez, owner of Vidal Dairy.

To which he added: “Beyond the substantive issues, which must be addressed within the framework of this protection action, a new analysis of the precautionary measure becomes appropriate.”

In turn, the ruling explained that the situation they refer to regarding hostility and permanent tension in the work environment is viable to be analyzed in order to resolve the request to lift the precautionary measure.

The measure of force originated from a recategorization claim and escalated until they blocked the factory located in the town of Moctezuma, in the district of Carlos Casares, and prevented the entry of employees with “pressure” from the union of the Association of Workers of the Dairy Industry of the Argentine Republic (Atilra), according to statements made by the victims in court files. At that time, Lácteos Vidal fired 26 people, most of whom finally agreed to leave. But there were 8 who continued working.

Consulted by Rural ClarinThe businesswoman stressed that this precautionary measure should never have been put in place.Reinstatement for employees without immunity is an invention. “A private company has the right to hire and fire, so this is a measure that was poorly applied from its inception and has done a lot of damage to the activity.”

It is worth remembering that at the end of last May the deputy prosecutor Martín Butti, in charge of UFI No. 2 of Trenque Lauquen, charged and called for investigation five union leaders of Atilra for the crime of compulsion to strike.

The businesswoman also celebrated the approval of the Ley Bases in the Chamber of Deputies. “Thank you, legislators, for understanding that it was necessary to put a stop to the union mafia through better labor legislation and thus protect freedom and sources of work,” she said.

“Causing harm by not allowing people to go to work has its consequences and is grounds for dismissal and it is expressly stated in the law. They will no longer be able to say that they are on strike” while they break everything, they get drunk, they squeeze and, in short, poor strikers. That is mafia and there are no more excuses,” he added.

For Bada Vázquez, blocking a company is traumatic not only for its employees, but also for its clients, suppliers, family members and the people. “It is a barbarity that has come to an end, with which the criminal unionists and their turncoat lawyers have lined their pockets using the workers who are on strike,” he said.

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