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Profit restitution means additional income of more than $40 billion

June 29, 2024 – 01:15

After the vote on the Bases Law, the national representative Fernanda Ávila together with her counterpart Sebastián Nóblega (UP), explained on their networks the decision to support the reversal of the Income tax since they had not substantiated it in the session. National deputy Dante López Rodríguez also supported the measure requested by Governor Raúl Jalil. While the representative Silvana Ginochio abstained in the Profit chapter. Deputy Francisco Monti (UCR) had anticipated his vote in favor of the Bases Law and the restitution of Profits.

In the early morning, the ruling party declared victory with both the Base Law and the fiscal package and the most discussed articles on the Income and Personal Assets tax. Although the results show relatively comfortable majorities, he had to sweat in some cases and leave several reforms along the way, which will surely be taken up later with new specific laws.

The Base Law had 147 positive votes, 107 negative votes and two abstentions. The initiative La Libertad Avanza was supported by the PRO, the UCR, the bulk of Hacemos Coalión Federal, Innovación Federal, most of the Civic Coalition and other minority forces. In this case, only deputy Francisco Monti supported the Executive’s project. The Catamarca deputies of Unión por la Patria rejected the initiative coinciding with the vote they had in April.

In the replacement of the fourth category of Profits, the distribution was similar, but with greater fragmentation into blocks of the dialogue opposition such as the UCR. This chapter, which requires taxing salary income exceeding 1,800,000 pesos again, was approved with 136 positive votes, 116 negative votes and three abstentions from deputies Silvana Ginocchio, Roxana Reyes and Mónica Frade.

Catamarca deputy Francisco Monti (UCR) voted in favor. The Union for the Homeland bloc voted against with the exception of the three Catamarcans Fernanda Ávila, Dante López Rodríguez and Sebastián Noblega. In April, Ginocchio, Ávila and López Rodríguez had requested abstention. Nóblega had expressed himself in favor.


“In a context of fiscal asphyxiation by the national government, it is essential for the economy of our province.”

The former Secretary of Mining during the administration of former President Alberto Fernández, pointed out that “the elimination of the tax had a very strong impact on the province’s accounts: it meant an accumulated loss in revenue of more than 30 billion pesos. This sum would have been crucial to continue promoting local development.”

“We will always prioritize the reality and needs of the people of Catamarca.”

“For our province, the reinstatement of the income tax means an additional income of more than 40 billion pesos,” he said.

In this sense, Ávila highlighted that “this will translate into a substantial improvement in the quality of public services and will allow us to reactivate infrastructure projects essential for the development of our province, which have been paralyzed by the cut in funds from the national government.” .

“Argentina is undergoing a very serious adjustment that has greatly affected the finances of all the provinces. The economic and social stability of our region is at risk,” he said, adding: “We are committed to continue working in a coordinated manner and through dialogue, convinced that this is the only way to promote the progress of our country and our province.”

For his part, Deputy Sebastián Nóblega said that he ratified his rejection of the Bases law.

He also ratified the vote he had expressed in April regarding Profits: “Governor Raúl Jalil maintains a responsible distribution of management in all departments, with fundamental public works in each community; that is why I believe that the restoration of Profits clearly generates fiscal relief for the Province and the municipalities,” he said.

Governor Raúl Jalil made a brief reference yesterday to the approval of the law. He stated that he was satisfied: “We have to continue working,” he told the press.


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