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New ordinance for San Carlos. Limited circulation of cars returns and the Hostel for gastronomy will be put out to tender – News

The mayor of Concordia, Francisco Azcué, called an extraordinary session of the City Council, with the purpose of addressing several initiatives. Among them, a draft ordinance that aims to unify all the regulations related to San Carlos Park, while introducing some changes.

In the development of the project, the Chief of Staff, led by the architect Eduardo Caminal, and the Undersecretary of Tourism, Laureano Schwartzman, had a special role. Councilor Felipe Sastre collaborated, especially regarding the systematization of rules and the drafting itself.

“The project aims to unify in a single regulatory body all the provisions existing to date regarding San Carlos Park. It takes into account the environmental issue as a backbone element. To do so, specialists in the field have given their opinion,” said Felipe Sastre, in dialogue with The Entre Rios.

In addition to the environmental, it seeks to “harmonize the use and enjoyment of the property by the residents of Concord, allowing partial reopening (vehicle entry), with two accesses, one to the Castle and the other to the Hostel, but without circulation to others. sectors of the park. It is proposed to enable access through Chajarí Avenue to the Hostel, where they can park, and through Arruabarrena to the Palace, parking in the current Botanical Garden,” Sastre explained.

“The idea is that people can access these emblematic places, because it is difficult for many to do so exclusively on foot. The two places chosen are fundamental for this new vision: the Castle with all its attractions, to bring people closer to history, and, on the other hand, the Hostel, where the decision has been made – the Chief of Staff, the architect Eduardo Caminal worked intensely on this – to re-functionalize it, so that it can be put out to tender and gastronomic activity can be carried out there, in harmony with nature, as a space that also receives artistic exhibitions, but with the invitation to tourists and locals. so that I can eat something, drink something, with a view of the river,” Sastre added.

The project was developed by the Undersecretariat of Tourism, based on the premise that San Carlos is “one of the main, if not the main, attraction of the city’s urban layout, just a few kilometers from the center. Everything new that is planned is absolutely harmonious with the natural environment, after having received the contributions of the specialists,” emphasized Sastre.

The project has 69 articles and a special chapter in which it deals with the naming of the internal streets of Parque San Carlos, appealing to prominent “Concordia athletes (native or by choice)”, except for the one that begins on Belgrano Street, from the entrance to the park and ends at the Ring Road, which is assigned the name “Avenue Edouard Demachy”.

The list of athletes taken into account is made up of Luis Cesar Castelli, Alcides Gomez Diaz, Miguel Feliciano Julia, Luis Arrieta, Carlos Alberto Cardozo, Agustin Franzoy, Ruben Alberto Acosta, Elbio Armanazqui, Juan Alabedra, Bernardo T. Rovira, Ramon Eduardo Hagen, Luis Ciphas Davies, Luis Julio Aguerreberry, Raul Emilio Rossi, Angel Russo, Juan Jose Pierrestegui, Sara Costa, Juan Manuel Speroni, Mario Cesar Blanco, Nestor Gabriel Bargas, Juan Carlos Caminal and Jose Luis Puga.

Maximum 20 km/h

The new regulation, which will be discussed at the extraordinary session of the City Council next week, introduces the novelty that it will be possible to enter San Carlos Park by car again, although in a limited manner. “It is established that within “San Carlos Park”, the circulation of all vehicles will have a maximum speed limit of 20 kilometers per hour,” states article 45.

The project further proposes two accesses for motor vehicles: “i) Entrance via Belgrano Avenue and Arruabarrena Street, via Luis Arrieta Avenue to Ramón Eduardo Hagen Avenue or to Miguel Feliciano Juliá Avenue; and, ii) Entrance via Chajarí Avenue and Luis César Castelli Avenue via Alcides Gómez Díaz Avenue to the parking lot of the Hostal del Río.”

Allowed and prohibited activities

Another important variation is seen in the fourth chapter, where the “permitted and prohibited activities” are detailed.

Article 51 says that “sports activities related to athletics and cycling may be carried out on the San Carlos Park grounds, which encourage and promote physical and habitual activity for the development of these activities. “Organized sports competitions that request authorization to be held on the main circuit of the Park must be limited to the places authorized for this purpose, by the regulations herein, preserving the protected reserve area.”

And in the following article it opens the door to artistic and cultural shows, although with conditions: “Public artistic or cultural shows that are of general public interest must have the respective authorization of the Municipal Executive Department for their realization, and may be developed only in the areas designated and authorized for such purposes. The following precautions must be taken to protect the environment and guarantee the safety of all those involved: 1) Environmental impact: The planning of the event will minimize any negative impact on the natural environment, avoiding those sensitive areas or areas of particular conservation interest, and Measures will be established to collect and properly dispose of waste generated immediately after the event. 2) Respect for wildlife: The event must maintain a safe distance from wildlife and avoid disturbing their habitat. Bright lights cannot be used without restraint, nor can loud noises be generated that could cause stress to the animals. 3) Public safety: Adequate safety measures must be ensured for attendees, such as clear signage, personnel trained in first aid, entry of security vehicles and emergency exits. 4) Communication: Attendees will be explicitly informed about the importance of respecting the natural environment, collecting their trash and following the instructions of the event staff to ensure a safe and responsible experience. 5) Post review: After the event, the organizers will carry out a thorough review of the area to ensure that no residue or environmental damage is left behind. “Any undesirable effect must be reported immediately to the corresponding authorities in order to maintain the preserved environment.”


Almost at the end of the project, in article 62, the Municipal Executive makes it clear that it considers it pertinent to grant concessions to private areas of the park, without specifying what they would be. The text says: “The Municipal Executive Department may call for public bidding in order to concession the areas that, by themselves or through actions that promote their development, increase the tourist attraction of “San Carlos Park”, provided that they turn out to be of interest. general public. These concessions will be allowed as long as they comply with the standards established in the regulations of this Ordinance and do not modify the harmony of the complex, or are discordant with the characteristics of the landscape.

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