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They claim that the mega adjustment puts the INCAA archive at serious risk

Unbelievable. Destroying valuable cultural heritage and celebrating its emptying in the name of false savings seems to be part of the strategy of the current president of INCAA. Carlos Pirovano (specialist in microeconomics, finance and strategic planning, but without any experience in the audiovisual field) published a brief report on his six months of management through his social media accounts.

In different publications, celebrated and defended at all costs by an army of trolls, disinvestment in building maintenance and rentals is announced, such as those destined to safeguard the film archive. Through his account film kept by the INCAA. We will never know what they will do with the material.”

Carlos Pirovano.

“Archival materials are vital records for our culture; They were kept in a building on Moreno Street in front of Enerc, although most of the film archive material was kept on 600 Ensenada Street, in the Floresta neighborhood, in a building that was actually quite poorly conditioned but had archives of all film material that INCAA receives by law. The idea of ​​this new management is to move them to the second basement of the Enerc, which is not good for a lot of reasons: the first reason is that it is a place that has always been very humid, which would worsen the conditions in which the archive is located. terms of conservation conditions. Preservation is an obligation, there is a law that is the law of the cinematheque and archive of the national image that demands it,” says Nicolás Vetromile, INCAA / Enerc worker, Deputy General Delegate of ATE INCAA.

Less INCAA, less sovereignty

The repercussions of the management report were not long in coming from all political circles. But they are faithful to the policies of reducing everything that is creative or cultural. In fact, cuts of all kinds are also announced, including those related to teachers who go to the different Enerc headquarters in the provinces.

INCAA audiovisual archive.

That said, and despite the extreme gravity, Pirovano sees it as a triumph: “Following President Javier Milei’s mandate to save and care for taxpayers’ money, a series of measures have been taken that in a first stage have allowed us to save more than $3 billion annually, and which have the goal of financial equilibrium by the end of the year” states the publication on X and on the Milesite’s Instagram.

In reality, the cuts referred to are layoffs (of 254 workers) and the halting of film activity in general, never to improve the activity or try to make it grow. In addition to being unprecedented, it is one of the many operations that appeal to the ignorance and to work on the irascibility of those who do not know how the cultural industries of the world work.

The person in charge of the task of adjustment and emptying, and the circumstantial spokespersons, omits in all their interventions a key fact, which is already known but which never hurts to repeat: the Film Development Fund is made up of resources generated by the medium itself with a percentage of movie tickets (10%), and a percentage of ENACOM revenue that is around 25%.

In front of the INCAA central building.
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