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For the people, Justice did not give answers because it did not find the money

Regarding the demands of the five accused of multiple crimes, he assured that “there is no differential treatment” between Bacchiani, founder of Adhemar Capital, and his partners Franco Sarroca and José Blas.

He also confirmed that Bacchiani has been in the Miraflores prison for two years and for the other two years, under house arrest.

In an interview with Radio Ancasti’s Mañana es Hoy, he reported that he received “handwritten letters” from the five inmates all linked to criminal cases for scams with cryptoassets and warned that the resolution of the problems they raised is outside his control. scope.

“They are detained in the Provincial Penitentiary Service (SPP) for almost the same reasons. According to the report that the SPP sent us and other private writings in the handwriting of each of them, we learned that they entered a stage of not eating food, a hunger strike as it is commonly called,” he explained.

He recalled that among the requests they made together, they asked for “the causes and claims they made regarding their release to be resolved, given the time they have been there and for which the Justice Department extended their respective pretrial detentions” for another year.

In another of the complaints expressed, they compared their situation with other defendants who are under house arrest instead of being housed in jail.

“All the procedural situations of each of them have been resolved by this Court, so that the request for a quick resolution of the cases is a claim that in a certain way arises from our jurisdiction, because the appeals are in the Federal Court of Tucumán since it is that Court that must resolve,” he added.

He also argued that “with respect to the claims that there is a supposed differential treatment between these detainees and the others, this is due to different circumstances.”

He also specified that “the case of Mr. Blas, who is at home, has a resolution that was taken by the Federal Court of Appeals of Tucumán. We revoked his house arrest and sent him to jail. His lawyer made a proposal in the House, the House revoked our pronouncement and returned it to its domicile.”

Regarding Sarroca -the other partner-, he reported that “he is a person who has been subject to various medical boards made up of a multidisciplinary body, which have determined that given his current state of health, this man is not in a condition to remain in a place where there would not be sufficient guarantees to care for his state of health. In these cases, the professional opinion of a doctor always prevails over the legal question.”

Finally, he stressed that “here the complaint is not due to issues specific to accommodation in the SPP. That is why it was explained to them that we cannot give them answers to what they claim because it is the Court of Tucumán that must decide.”


The five detainees who sent letters to the federal judge are being prosecuted for scams, unauthorized financial intermediation, illicit association and some, for money laundering and fraud. They served two years of preventive detention and all of them had the measure extended for one more year.

The main causes, due to the volume of money involved and the number of people who managed to be admitted as creditors in the bankruptcy processes, are RT Inversiones SRL and Adhemar Capital SRL. In that case, the Commercial Justice verified debts of more than 6 billion pesos while in Bacchiani’s company, it does not exceed 2 billion pesos.


More than two years passed since the beginning of the criminal cases and neither the Justice nor the security forces were able to determine the existence of money raised through the scams.

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