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Why is Maria Jimena Duzan being accused of belonging to the Mossad, the Israeli agency?

Petro exploded in response to the media’s accusations against Laura Sarabia, in an unfortunate tweet in which he specifically referred to María Jimena Duzán, one of the non-official journalists who has been the least hostile to his government, and compared her to the Israeli intelligence agency known as the Mossad.

In the post, she equated the journalist with the work of Semana magazine, a medium to which she belonged years ago, and exclaimed: ” To suggest that I exchange positions in my government for advice is a real lack of respect for myself. He already disrespects me with enough“.

The problem with the trill is that in the end it included a reference that not only went down very badly, but was probably misinterpreted by 90% of the people who read it. Petro suggested that he is being harassed by Mossad journalism, probably not referring to Duzan, but in the same message he addressed to her.

So beyond whether Petro covertly compared Maria Jimena Duzan to the Israeli intelligence army or simply had a poor choice of words, The result was that the journalist began to receive threats against her integrity. Hours later she responded to the president’s tweet: “He gave me the tombstone of a terrorist.”

In the original tweet, Gustavo Petro also points out that respects the journalist’s work and recognizes that she is a victim of paramilitary violencein reference to the crime in which his sister Silvia Duzán was killed in the early nineties in the municipality of Cimitarra.

What is Mossad, the Israeli intelligence army?

The Mossad is the intelligence, espionage and counterterrorism organization of the government of the State of Israel, but it operates outside its territory, since another state organization called Shabak operates within Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

It was created on December 13, 1949, because Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion wanted an organization that would improve the relationship between the security agencies that existed at the time. An Israeli journalist named Ronan Bergman once went so far as to criticize the entity and call it a “deep state”, because it has the peculiarity that it is not accountable to the assembly, but to the prime minister.

Among the most successful Mossad operations are: the capture in Argentina of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, Operation Entebbe which was applied to free passengers kidnapped at an airport in Uganda and several bomb attacks between 1979 and 1983 against Palestinian civilians, which also left many Lebanese citizens dead.

Bergman theorizes that these bombings were ways to pressure the Palestinians into having to use terrorism as a measure and a justification for invading Lebanon.

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