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Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 29 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the anniversaries of June 29 These events stand out from today in Argentina and the world:

1898. The birth of Doña Petrona

In La Banda, province of Santiago del Estero, was born Petrona Carrizo de Gandulfo. Doña Petrona was the pioneer of television cooks. She became a real best-seller with her recipe book. The Book of Doña Petrona It is reissued regularly and get new readers. In the 50s he came to the small screen and his fame was cemented during the 60s. He died in 1992, at the age of 93.

1911. Bernard Herrmann is born

Bernard Herrmann is born in New York, one of the main composers of film soundtracks in the 20th century. He wrote the music for The citizenby Orson Welles Sinbad and the princess, Fahrenheit 451 and Devilish Sisters, among other films. However, His name became associated with that of Alfred Hitchcockfor whom he wrote, among others, the scores for Vertigo, International intrigue and Psychosis. At the time of his death in 1975, he had just finished his last work: music for Taxi Driverby Martin Scorsese.

1958. Pelé’s consecration

Brazil wins its first World Cup by beating the local team in the World Cup final in Sweden. The Brazilians beat 5 to 2 in Stockholm with Pelé as the determining figure. At just 17 years old, Edson Arantes do Nascimento scores two goals in the final and finishes the tournament with six goals, only behind the Frenchman Just Fontaine, who scores 13 (a unique figure for a scorer in the history of the World Cup). The coronation in Sweden marks the beginning of Pele’s reign as the world’s best player.

1973. The murder of cameraman Leonardo Henrichsen in Chile

Chilean Army tanks advance on Santiago in a coup attempt that forces loyal to President Salvador Allende manage to contain. The episode goes down in history as the Tank Attack and leaves 22 deadThe most famous victim is an Argentine civilian: cameraman Leonardo Henrichsen, 33 years old. With his camera he captured Corporal Héctor Bustamente Gómez at the moment he was aiming and shooting at him. It was the last thing he managed to film. In his memory, the date is remembered as Argentine Cameraman’s Day.

1986. Argentina wins the World Cup in Mexico

With goals from José Luis Brown, Jorge Valdano and Jorge Burruchaga, The National Team defeats West Germany 3 to 2 in the final of the World Cup in Mexico. Thus, Carlos Bilardo’s team is crowned champion, which represents Argentina’s second World Cup crown. Diego Maradona lifts the FIFA trophy at the Azteca stadium, becoming the undisputed figure of the tournament and the best player in the world.

1987. The theft from the hands of Perón

The desecration of the crypt that houses the remains of Juan Domingo Peró in the Chacarita cemetery is discoveredn. The three-time president’s hands are cut off. His cap and sabre are also taken. An anonymous letter sent to the Justicialist Party demands the payment of 8 million dollars in exchange for the relics. Judge Jaime Far Suau takes charge of the investigation of a fact that arouses unanimous condemnation. Various hypotheses are woven about the macabre event, regarding who and why they desecrated the crypt. What was stolen was never returned nor were the culprits found. and Far Suau died in a car accident in 1988.

2000. Vittorio Gassman dies

At the age of 77, an icon of Italian cinema, Vittorio Gassman, dies in Rome. Il Mattatore He was born in Genoa in 1922. He shone in classics as The usual strangers, Il Sorpasso, The monsters, The Brancaleone Armada, Brancaleone in the Crusades, We had loved each other so much, Women perfume, The desert of the Tatars and The family. She visited Argentina and received the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts in 1997.

2006. Fabián Bielinsky dies

Film director Fabian Bielinsky dies in Sao Paulo, Brazilat the age of 47. A heart attack ended his life while he was sleeping. He left only two films: Nine Queens (2000) and The aura (2005), both notable clockwork mechanisms, with Ricardo Darín as the protagonist. The first was a box office success. Both earned her recognition at the Cóndor de Plata awardsas director and screenwriter. He had received that award for The aura three days before he died.

2009. The conviction of Bernie Madoff

The United States justice system sentences Bernie Madoff to 150 years in prison. Thus ends the story of the largest pyramid fraud in history, a 68 billion dollar scam. The investment advisor had taken capital in exchange for large profits, which were feeding the scheme based on the arrival of new contributors.. Banks, foundations, charity groups and individuals are the victims of a case that explodes in the middle of the financial crisis, when Wall Street falls into total discredit. Madoff’s children are the ones who denounce him, and one of them commits suicide. The scammer died in 2021, aged 82.

2012. Farewell to Juan Alberto Badía

Juan Alberto Badía dies at the age of 65. One of the icons of Argentine radio from the 70s onwards, with cycles such as go figure, landed on television in the 80s with the Saturday series Badía and company. He also drove Radio image, A good idea and Country Study 24, among other programs and was director of Radio de la Ciudad. Beatles fan, wrote the novel The day John Lennon came to Argentina.

2019. Hector Ricardo Garcia dies

At 86 years old, Hector Ricardo Garcia, the creator of ChronicleHe started as a photographer and founded the magazine So. In 1963 it appeared Chronicle. He managed Radio Colonia and Teleonce, which he lost in 1974 when Peronism nationalized the TV channels. Isabel Perón closed the newspaper. He managed Teledos in the late 80s and later created Crónica TV.

In addition, it is the International Day of the Tropics and the World Scleroderma Day.

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