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Scammers give false discounts for paying vehicle tax in Cundinamarca

The Secretary of Finance announced that unscrupulous people would be giving false discounts for payment of vehicle tax in Cundinamarca, You were invited to check the official page.

The Secretariat of Finance of Cundinamarca alerted taxpayers about the presence of fraudulent individuals posing as officials of said entity. These scammers would be offering false discounts and requesting money for the regularization of overdue obligations related to vehicle tax.

To avoid falling prey to these scams, it is crucial that taxpayers take into account the following recommendations:

1️⃣ Be aware that officials from the Cundinamarca Treasury are not authorized under any circumstances to receive money directly from taxpayers. Any such request should be considered suspicious.

2️⃣ The only official channels for paying the vehicle tax are:

– Online payment through PSEavailable on the official website of the Government of Cundinamarca: This method ensures that payments are made securely and directly to government coffers.

– Over-the-counter payment at official allied banks: BBVA, AV Villas and DaviviendaIt is crucial that payments are made in the name of the Government of Cundinamarca and not in the name of private individuals, which guarantees the legitimacy of the transaction.

3️⃣ For any official query or verification, taxpayers must only use the authorized WhatsApp line: 3009108880This number has been specifically designated to answer questions and confirm the veracity of communications received from the Ministry of Finance.

The Cundinamarca Treasury Department asks all taxpayers to cooperate in preventing fraud and protecting their rights. Sharing this information with other taxpayers is an effective way to help prevent more people from falling victim to these fraudulent practices. The dissemination of this notice is vital to ensure that everyone is informed and can take the necessary precautions.

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