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NEW PRIESTS IN CÓRDOBA | The bishop ordains eight new priests of the Diocese of Córdoba

The diocese of Córdoba has eight new priestsManuel Murillo


The Bishop of Cordoba, Monsignor Demetrius Fernandez has ordered on the morning of this Saturday, solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, eight new priests in the Holy Cathedral Church. Francisco Solano Aguilar Tejada, Álvaro Fernández-Martos Yáñez, Francisco Salvador Flores Hidalgo, Javier González Martínez, Juan Yersin Méndez Ozuna, Javier Montes Jiménez, Miguel Ángel Moyano Estepa and Javier Rodríguez Calmaestra are now part of the Cordoba presbytery.

In its homily The prelate reminded those ordained that the holy spirit will come upon each one of them and there will be “a change in your heart.” mysterious transformationyou will be made new men to prolong Jesus Christ wherever you are sent.” He has called you and consecrated you to send you to certain tasks, “be careful not to fall into civil service,” the pastor of the Diocese asked the new priests.

From now on, “we will see in each one of you a minister of Christ, a personal extension of Christ “so that you may bless, forgive, consecrate and make him present in the life of the Church,” proclaimed the bishop, who went on to affirm that today all the Christian faithful congratulate one another, because we are all blessed, the presbyterate, every family and friends, the seminary. “All Christian people are happy to have eight new priests at the service of the Diocese and of the universal Church,” he concluded.

Ordination of the new priests of the Diocese.

The sacrament of order “makes you others, you are capable of celebration of the eucharist“Do not leave a day of your life without the Eucharist,” the bishop recommended, “because the life of a priest is valid for the Eucharist. A day without the Eucharist is an empty day, added Monsignor Demetrio Fernández, who told the new priests that they are entrusted to lead the Christian community to the front and that they must serve as a model with their example and apostolic zeal, “try to win for Jesus Christ many,” he asked. Faith “is not imposed, it is proposed but with joy and by example you will awaken in many the approach to Jesus Christ. “Be assured that your life is enormously fruitful because of the ministry that you receive today in thousands of people who will carry your visible influence,” he said.

At religious The bishop has asked that they continue to pray to God so that we do not lack priests because “the Church cannot live without priests.” For his part, the christian families who today have made the offering of their children to the Lord, which also implies a sacrifice, Fernández has encouraged them by reminding them that God has surprised them “with something better, which will be to be able to give contemporary man eternal life, which God gives through his ministers.”

He concluded his address by congratulating the seminary, the priests and formators, but especially the eight ordinands because “the time has come, it is the time of God, of the offering, of Easter, of the cross and of glorification.”

Ordination rite

During the ordination rite the candidates prostrated themselves before the altar where the singing of the Litanies; Next, the bishop, the Cathedral Chapter and concelebrants laid their hands on them, as a sign of reception into the ministry. Subsequently, the stole and chasuble were placed on them, the anointing of the hands with the Holy Chrism followed and the rite ended with the delivery of the paten and the chalice.

Eight vocations for the church of Cordoba

The eight new priests have been trained in the San Pelagius Institute of Theological Studies. Recently, they have explained how their vocation calls them to serve the Church.

For Francisco Solano Aguilar Christ is “the only valid model that we look to every day” and he has assured that from now on all his will will be focused “on letting the Lord do his work” and being able to conform to him.

Alvaro Fernandez-Martos He believes that the Lord will use him to be his extension, fundamentally “so that souls may be saved” and he takes this step trusting in the Lord and abandoning himself into his hands.

Francisco Flores He expects from the priesthood a configuration with Christ, “an expropriation of the heart to completely belong to Jesus Christ and to be the beginning of a renewed fidelity.”

Javier Gonzalez He has emphasized that reaching the priesthood is “knowing that you are very much in the hands of the Lord,” who calls us to prolong his mission in the midst of the world and to be very close to him.

Juan Yersin Mendez He has recognized that if he wants something in his life it is “not to see myself, but to look at others and give myself.” He feels that this is what the Lord calls him to and hopes to “be faithful and give his life for others.”

Javier Montes He hopes to be a faithful priest and every day he asks the Lord for “that fidelity and that generous dedication to serve God, the Church and his neighbor” wherever God sends him.

Miguel Angel Moyano He hopes after his ordination “not to hinder the Lord too much” and to remain happy and grateful as are his formators and the priests he has had close to him during this time.

Javier Rodríguez has confessed that he has faced his ordination “with fear” but with “excitement, letting the Lord be the protagonist of everything” and with the certainty that the “only hope that does not disappoint is Jesus Christ.”

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