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The cult of San La Muerte, in the sights of researchers

The data comes from a new Report on Crime, Delinquency and Insecurity, developed by the NGO Let’s Defend Argentina with the assistance of the Consultant Javier Miglino and Associates and especially geared towards the Loan case.

“La Santa Muerte or San La Muerte is a false saint or pseudo divinity, venerated by millions of devotees in Paraguay, Northern Argentina from Corrientes to Misiones and Formosa, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay and all of Mexico. San La Muerte’s ‘job’ is to protect criminalsThe modern cult of Santa Muerte first appeared in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico around 1985, when gangs of drug traffickers and “coyotes,” that is, criminals who traffic people trying to enter the United States of America illegally, felt the FBI was close by and did not know how to get away. Since then, “This figure has been closely linked to violence, crime, prostitution and especially drug trafficking.”said Javier Miglino, an expert in Human Rights and Child Protection.

“One of the most memorable scenes in the Breaking Bad series is when The ‘Salamanca cousins’ get out of an expensive new Mercedes Benz and drag themselves along in a procession that has its epitome in the sanctuary of San La Muerte. Along with the cousins, there is a crowd of people who are also crawling, one after another,” Miglino said.

Loan is 5 years old.

Loan Danilo Peña, five years old, has been missing since June 13.

The growth of the cult of San La Muerte

“Since 2014 to date, the number of devotees of Santa Muerte has increased, reaching the approximate 12 million in Latin America“, the specialist noted.

Sects as a prelude to crime. “In Argentina there are about 1,200 temples dedicated to all types of sects. Of these, 120 correspond to criminal sects such as San La Muerte“Former factories, warehouses, abandoned schools or houses taken over for a new purpose and new occupants become suitable sites for fraud, theft, servitude, forced prostitution, and especially human trafficking,” said Miglino.

Under this line, Miglino maintained that “the places hardest hit by sects” are the “province of Buenos Aires, Rosario, the city of Santa Fe, the city of Corrientesthe city of Formosa, the city of Posadas (Misiones) and the city of Neuquén”.

Most of these types of temples operate there – added the professional – which also They receive names of pseudo evangelical churches. However, beyond the names and denominations, they do not always have a spiritual purpose and the spiritual elevation of the human being, but rather they are simply swindlers and despoilers.

Regarding the Loan case, Miglino said that “it is the first disappearance of a child that does not bring with it a flood of tears. It is striking that only Loan’s mother has sobbed on rare occasions. However, the boy’s father, grandmother, siblings and other relatives do not seem saddened by the loss, but rather concerned about establishing a reasonable alibi.. For this reason, the discovery of images with many of Loan’s relatives around an altar of San La Muerte brings concern in a case that has shocked all of Argentina.”

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