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Corrientes Police removed from investigation of Loan Peña case

This measure is due, in large part, to The arrest and background of Walter Macielthe commissioner who was initially in charge of the investigation, but was later removed for “obstructing” the work. According to reports, the Federal Court also has suspicions about other officers of the provincial force.

Even the provincial prosecutors who initially had the case said that Maciel took advantage of his position to sow false leads and disorient the investigation. In fact, he was the one who authorized the couple made up of the former municipal official Maria Victoria Caillava and his partner, the former ship captain Carlos perezto travel to Chaco, just one day after Loan’s disappearance and without even having his vehicles examined. Both have been detained for a week..

Following the decision taken by Cristina Pozzer Penzothe federal judge in charge of the case, The Naval Prefecture will be in charge of transferring the evidencethe files of detainees and witnesses. The National Gendarmerie will take control of the search for the child in the countryside and the Federal Police will be in charge of the general investigation. with the Homicide Division, the Human Trafficking Division and the Investigations Division.

In her request, the magistrate urged the head of the Goya Regional Unit to “provide the cessation of investigative tasks of the personnel in charge that could be developing around the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Danilo Peña.”

The image of Loan with his family. After that lunch, he left and subsequently disappeared.

The image of Loan with his family. After that lunch, he left and subsequently disappeared.

Loan case: the father complicated the situation of aunt Laudelina

Jose Pena He stated in statements to the press that The aunt went with the minor to the orange grove after lunch June 13th at grandma’s house Katherine, 87 years old. “They asked me everything,” she acknowledged about the testimony he gave in the Goya prosecutor’s office and stressed that she did it for “several hours.”

In a section of his statement before the prosecutor Mariano de Guzman and Judge Pozzer Penzo, the boy’s father, detailed what happened after lunch and denied that he was taking a nap when Loan disappeared. “I was in perfect condition. I wasn’t drunk or anything like that either.”he commented.

“When everyone goes to the orange grove, The one who takes Loan there is Laudelina. I saw itAnd I followed them with my eyes until I lost sight of them. After a while he comes back and asks me about Loan“I told her that he had gone with her. But she told me no, that Loan was with me. But I saw that he went with her,” she emphasized before the Federal Court.

That statement clashed with that of her sister. At the time of her testimonial interview with the provincial justice, Laudelina said that she accompanied the minors – including Loan – to the field gate, returned to the house and then He received a call from Antonio Bernardino Benítez informing him that the child had disappeared.. At no time did he say that when he returned from the gate he was already aware of the disappearance.

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