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Holguín Botanical Garden develops environmental culture work

The Botanical Garden of the city of Holguín is developing a broad programme of community environmental education activities as part of its links with nearby population settlements.

The main actions focus on educational talks and the creation of circles of interest related to the protection of endemic species of flora and fauna, mainly those exclusive to mountain ecosystems, with the participation of students from local primary schools. .

This institution, attached to the Center for Environmental Research and Services (Cisat), also has a project to celebrate world anniversaries related to water, land, ecosystems and the environment, Betty Juan Almanza, scientific research specialist, told ACN.

In turn, he pointed out, the entity is expanding its collection areas with the purpose of promoting the conservation of plants outside their habitat and offering these services during the summer season.

This natural reservoir, located in the Mayabe Valley, about five kilometers from the historic center of the city, maintains its offers for tourism through the observation of critically endangered species.

The Holguín Botanical Garden has 12 areas where genera from five continents can be found, including the blue flamboyant and the monstera deliciosa, a curious edible malanga native to Africa.

During the months of July and August, scientific organizations and institutions will offer activities aimed at adolescents and young people, focusing on the formation of values, the promotion of reading and the teaching of history.

With information from Eileen Esther Molina Fernández/ACN

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