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Some arrive and others don’t. What happens with the credentials at the Spanish Embassy in Cuba?

This week we received the good news that some credentials have arrived for applicants under the “Grandchildren Law” from the Spanish embassy and consulate in Havana, Cuba. But some arrive and others do not. What happens?

Two weeks ago, we reported that frustration was growing among Cubans who apply for Spanish citizenship under the Democratic Memory Law (LMD) or the Law of Grandchildren due to the considerable delays at the Spanish Embassy in Cuba.

Social networks have become a hotbed of complaints, where users express their indignation at waiting up to 7 months to obtain the necessary credentials to complete their procedures. If you are in that case, believe that you are not the only one, like you there are dozens, even waiting longer, up to 8 months, they have reported to us.

But, the exasperation is intensified by the lack of transparency and communication on the part of the Embassy. Applicants do not receive clear information about the status of their applications, nor do they have effective channels to make inquiries or file complaints.

This situation generates uncertainty and anguish among those affected, who see their life plans and personal projects delayed due to the delay of the process.

What is happening with the credentials of the Spanish embassy in Cuba?

But this week, we received good news about the delivery of credentials for nationality appointments at the Spanish embassy in Cuba.

After several months of waiting (between seven and eight months in some cases), some of those who had been waiting since the beginning of November 2023 began to receive their credentials for appointments at the Spanish Consulate in the Cuban capital.

According to information provided to us, some descendants who had been waiting for their credentials since November 8 have already received notification by email with their corresponding number and password. In addition, they have already obtained appointments scheduled for mid-August for the delivery of documents.

Unfortunately, we have also received information from our Cuban Directorate readers that has not reached others from November, a similar date.

Why does this happen? Some do, others don’t. Why doesn’t the Spanish embassy explain why they were rejected and therefore don’t receive credentials in Cuba? The reality is that the interested party is left in a kind of limbo and without answers. All that’s left is to try again.

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