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Petro government announced that it will build 150 market squares in 8 months: new DPS project

From Soacha, the government of Gustavo Petro launched the program of solidarity supply points (PAS). In practice, it will be the construction of market squares to fight against hunger and malnutrition in the country. A total of 2.6 Colombians are currently suffering from malnutrition in Colombia.

“These Solidarity Supply Points are a fight against hunger,” said the president in the speech he gave. Gustavo Bolívar was in charge of announcing that 150 squares will be built in the country in a period of 8 months. Initially, 150 municipalities will benefit from this program.

President Gustavo Petro in his speech from Soacha.


“This idea, which begins today, is fundamental: 150 positions that must be a thousand, as we proposed, in the areas of greatest poverty and hunger counted by number of people”stated President Petro in the speech with which the program was launched.

Regarding the program, Petro indicated that one of the intentions with this program is that the south and western end of Bogotá be the areas where these projects are located. He also indicated that Soacha should also be benefited.

“It is necessary to establish an alliance with the local peasantry that exists invisible so that they are the greatest beneficiaries of a point of sale. It is an alliance between the popular urban world and the peasantry of Colombia,” commented the President.

Likewise, the president recalled that a few months ago he asked Family Welfare that Binestarina be made with local and not imported products, such as corn and wheat flour. “That it uses national production, that adapts to the tastes of the people of each region”he indicated.

President Gustavo Petro on the Rise of Police Officers

Photo:Juan Diego Cano

For his part, in dialogue with EL TIEMPO, the director of the DPS, Gustavo Bolívar, highlighted the effort they will make because while the entity he leads has not delivered more than 10 places in recent years, the goal they have set is to deliver 150 PAS in 8 months.

“Policies to eradicate hunger cannot be long-term. The hunger felt by 7 million compatriots must be addressed with a shock plan,” he added in a trill.

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