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Drunk drivers will pay for the expenses they cause

This was agreed by the body chaired by Deputy VErica Lichter (PRO-NCN) after receiving members of civil associations Good Argentine, Empathy and Stars of Neuquén.

In order to reduce accidents, the Executive’s project aims to control both alcohol and drug consumption by those who drive on Neuquén streets.

The MPN project seeks to recover the costs incurred by drunk drivers and transfer them to the public health system.

Rodolfo Garavaglia

The initiative belongs to the legislator Gerardo Gutierrez (MPN) and establishes that the driver must reimburse the cost generated by both his care in the Public Health System and that of the other victims involved in the road accident. In this regard, the deputy pointed out that the objective pursued by the norm iss generate greater awareness regarding respect for road safety by drivers.

The project aims to continue raising awareness and help reduce road accidents, mainly as a result of the consumption of alcohol or drugs while driving“commented the legislator.

During the debateSandra Torres, President of Bien Argentino, said that the law seeks to reduce the high mortality rates due to traffic accidents and raise awareness about the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

18 drunk drivers were detected over the weekend.

To its turnMarcelo Barberis, vice president of the Empathy foundation, added that the awareness-raising work carried out by civil organizations does not obtain good results “If the State does not get involved and begins to set limits”.

For its part, Fabiana Marillanpresident of Estrellas Amarillas, warned that road accidents are a recurring problem for the public Health system, since it must allocate human and budgetary resources to address them.

In another order, the body voted on the ruling that establishes a traceability system for medicines and supplies to guarantee standards of safety, quality, efficacy and efficiency of said products, from their manufacture to their final dispensing to the patient.

legislature on the treatment of drunk drivers

.The project also includes other serious driving irregularities, such as crossing a red light and speeding.

The organizations that participated in the development of the project are: Argentine Good, Yellow Stars and Empathy.

“Insurance companies are not responsible if the road accident is a consequence of alcohol or drug consumption,” the legislator reiterated.

Drunk drivers, without social work

If the person has health insurance, the expenses should be covered by it. Therefore, the initiative that is being put forward in the provincial legislature is aimed at drivers who do not have insurance and who, after committing a serious offence, such as drinking alcohol, are involved in an accident and require medical attention at a public health centre.

This is for cases that do not have social security. and that, for this reason, the expenses are not covered by insurance. In this case, all citizens are the ones who pay for the care. This is where this innovative bill comes from, there is no other in the country,” said the provincial legislator for the MPN.

gerardo gutierrez deputy legislator mpn

He also highlighted the participatory spirit of the initiative, which included contributions from some non-governmental organisations in the debate.

The foundations of the initiative are clear, since the consumption of alcohol and drugs is present in a large number of road accidents, even where people often end up dying.

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