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Those affected by the overflowing of the Cauca River receive humanitarian aid in San Benito


From the Government of Sucre they continue to assist the communities of the territories that have been affected by the overflow of the Cauca River in the Caregato sectorcarrying humanitarian aid.

On this occasion, the departmental administration was in the Cuiva district, jurisdiction of San Benito Abada land of fishermen and farmers where more than 180 families were affected.

“We returned to Cuiva bringing food, hygiene and kitchen kits to the families who have been affected, where we listened to their needs and soon, with the coordination of the Ministry of Education, we will study the situation of the students,” said Paola Tous Bertel, director of the Special Administrative Unit for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change in the Department of Sucre.

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“With the Secretary of Health we will create health brigades; with Economic Development, productive projects and, with Social Inclusion, more help for families,” said Tous Bertel. Aid has also been delivered in Bolívar.

Óber Cárdenas Zúñiga, resident of Cuivathanked the Government of Sucre for its help and presence in the district. In addition, he requested support in wood for the construction of bridges and teachers for the students of the town.

Another inhabitant, Derly del Carmen Solorzano Riveraasked for the relocation of this population, since he says that every year they are flooded and lose their crops. He said that the help given by the Sucre government has been essential for their survival.


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