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The disappearance of Loan, in Corrientes: minute by minute of the search for the five-year-old boy


In the midst of the tireless Search for Loan Danilo Peña -the five-year-old boy who disappeared in Corrientes-, images of those arrested for the crime of human trafficking have not stopped circulating. Between photos and videos, a television moment of the retired sailor Carlos perez It gained special notoriety when her daughter, Brisa, joined the scene, and many highlighted the resemblance to Sofia Herrerathe minor who disappeared on September 28, 2008 at a campsite in Río Grande. Her mother, Maria Elena Delgadoruled out a similarity.

“The woman (Brisa’s mother) says she is 14 years old. If she is that age, she could never be my daughter. They filled me with messages with the photo of Pérez’s daughter and I saw her as a little girl, but I don’t think she looks very much like my daughter Sofia.“, he said, in dialogue with Miter radio. In addition, Delgado said that in recent years several DNA tests were carried out to determine the possible identity of young people who had similar characteristics to the girl who would be 19 years old today.

Loan, on the horse with which they went to the field

By Hugo Macchiavelli

Loan smiles. He is sitting next to his father, about to eat chicken meat and drink the soup that his grandmother Catalina prepared. Loan is hungry after having ridden several kilometers from Nueve de Julio to his grandmother’s house. This is his first time at Paraje Algarrobal, where the 87-year-old woman spent her entire life along with some cows, chickens and a couple of dogs that bark when no one passes by. A place lost in time, among worn-out fences, an orange grove, an old eucalyptus tree and a house with a shack – and a toilet – that worked like a trap.

Loan is five years old and rode with his father, José Peña, to surprise his grandmother, who had invited them and was suspicious of her son’s visit like every Sunday and every time there is a holiday. The boy’s mother, María Noguera, said that she was not feeling well and preferred to stay at her house. It was Thursday and there was no work in the town because of San Antonio Day. The saint died on June 13, 1231 in Padua, Italy, and is venerated and entrusted to those who want to recover lost objects.

Read the full note here.

By Gabriela Origlia

CÓRDOBA.- Following a new lead, they are investigating whether Loan Danilo Peña, the child missing in Corrientes 15 days ago, is in Córdoba. A woman reported that she saw a boy from “similar characteristics” at the door of a health center in the provincial capital. Several judicial and police sources consulted by THE NATION They agreed that after rake, monitor security cameras and domes, and talk to other people who were in the right place”“No other clue was found.” that goes in the same direction.

Read the full note here.

One of the hypotheses handled by Justice for the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña is that it has been taken to Paraguay. “Until today, we have not received material elements that support that the boy was brought here”he claimed Nimio Cardozo, head of the Anti-Kidnapping Department of that country.

Cardozo told, in dialogue with Chain 3 Rosarythat Three days ago they intervened in the search for Loan after an anonymous call from Argentina reported that they had detected the Corrientes boy in Paraguay. “Supposedly, they saw him in the Triple Border, near Ciudad del Este. We deployed a brigade, collected images from a closed circuit and identified the boy who they said was loanbut it was not”indicated the commissioner.

There are at least 12 cell phones that will be subjected to the expert opinion of PFA specialists, as LA NACION learned. The researchers’ intention is to reconstruct the incoming and outgoing calls of all the diners at the lunch that took place on Thursday the 13th of this month at Loan’s grandmother’s house. The boy disappeared shortly after eating.

The investigation is being delegated to the Attorney General of Goya, Mariano de Guzmán, and his colleagues Marcelo Colombo and Alejandra Mángano, officials in charge of the Office of the Prosecutor for Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Protex).

Federal judge Cristina Elizabeth Pozzer Penzo intervenes in the file.

Former municipal official María Victoria Caillava and her husband, retired sailor Carlos Pérez, two of those arrested in the case after being accused of being co-authors of Loan’s recruitment, are more compromised after the appearance of a new witness.

According to what was published by the newspaper El Litoral, a woman named Brisa told the press: “That day I was coming from lunch and I saw a person who was washing the truck, on the premises of Victoria Caillava’s house. “I don’t know if it was her or someone else,” she said.

After that she said that Victoria accused her of lying and that she was going to report her.

March for Loan in the city of Goya, in Corrientes.Marcelo Manera – THE NATION

José Peña referred to the statement before the Justice that took place on Friday and gave details of what was discussed, the relationship with his younger brother, the moment of disappearance and what they did afterwards.

“It’s the first time I’ve made a statement, I was calm, they were calm questions,” he said in a conversation with LN+.

“At first I thought he was lost, but it was impossible that they hadn’t found anything of him. Everything was very strange and then I started to think, ‘How could Loan get lost?’ Here they took him”, he insisted.

Cristian is the parish priest of 9 de Julio, for a time he gave accommodation to the commissioner who is currently detained, he lived in the house next to the churchMarcelo Manera – THE NATION

By José María Costa

NINE OF JULY, Corrientes (special envoy).- Father Cristian González only discovered this town three years ago, even though he was born in this area.. It was when, shortly after being ordained as a priest, he was assigned to nearly a dozen chapels in the towns of this sector of Corrientes.

In recent days, his name has been on the lips of this town that is shocked by the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, whose whereabouts have been unknown for two weeks. The representative of the Catholic Church in the area spoke with THE NATION and defended himself against criticism. He confirmed that until last May Commissioner Walter Maciel, accused in the case accused of covering up the kidnapping, lived in the parish house next to the chapel located in front of Plaza San Martín.

Read the full note here.

Jose Pena, brother of the five-year-old boy about whom nothing has been heard since June 13, was hopeful about the possibility of finding the little boy. “I have hope that I will find Loan, that he is alive, that he will be fine. We have looked for him, I never gave up, it hurts a lot not to see him but there is hope that we can overcome these 15 days without him,” he said in statements to LN+.

In dialogue with LN+, Loan’s mother, María Noguera, asked for her son’s appearance and asked the people who participated in the lunch where the five-year-old boy was last seen to speak.

Maria Nogueras, Loann’s mother, and the house where they live in 9 de JulioMarcelo Manera – THE NATION

“Those who were there have to know what they did to Loan, where he is. “Someone has to speak, someone took him,” she stated and stressed that she can no longer “hold on.” Additionally, she said that she distrusts “everyone.” “I don’t trust anyone anymore,” she added.

By Jose Maria Costa

GOYA, Corrientes (Special Envoy).- The older brother of Loan Pena in the prosecutor’s office of this city. With his testimony, the Federal Justice completed the basic stage of an investigation by recording the words of the closest circle of the missing five-year-old boy. However, the boy’s trail went missing on the 13th of this month and since then the case had an initial process in the provincial justice system, with searches without results and a criminal theory of trafficking that led to six arrests, until it reached federal hands. And everything started again. With a dominant presence of the Federal Police, the Gendarmerie and the Prefecture. They even analyzed the photo of the lunch at Grandma Catalina’s house again and An image of the walk to the orange grove appeared, moment from which no more is known about the minor.

Apparently this would be the last photo where Loan would be. The child would supposedly be in that group, on the way to the orange grove.

That photograph alone does not reveal much, since only by relying on the testimonies can Loan be pointed out as one of the boys in that photo. But for federal investigators, every piece of information is new, since what has been done so far will be reviewed and duplicated with new evidence measures. And in that regard, one of the keys seems to focus on the analysis of the cell phones seized from those who participated in that meal – five of them detained, the remaining one arrested is Commissioner Walter Maciel, for the alleged cover-up – and the cell phones seized in raids in the homes of Loan’s family.

Read the full note here.

The small Loan Peña, five years old, was last seen on Thursday, June 13. In search of his whereabouts, The Ministry of Security activated the Sofia Alert“a rapid emergency alert system developed to coordinate the immediate search and location of missing girls, boys and adolescents whose lives are considered at ‘Imminent High Risk’, through coordinated work between public sector entities and the private sector , the media and civil society.”

Sofia alert for the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña


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