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The Atlantic Coast Corridor met in Patagones and is making progress on its objectives

The historic Casa Cagliero in Carmen de Patagones was the venue for the third meeting of the Rio Negro Atlantic Coast Corridor and the Patagones Party which was established in May of this year to carry out a common strategy for promoting tourism in the area.

The host mayor, Ricardo Marino; and his peer Marcos Castro, from Viedma; Adrián Casadei, from San Antonio Oeste; and Roxana Fernández, from Sierra Grande; the vice-governor of Río Negro, Pedro Pesatti; officials from the three municipalities, legislators from Río Negro and private tourism providers.

According to its members, since the launch «The corridor has made considerable progress in tourism promotion, “territorial development and joint management of regional projects and issues.”

After the meeting, the Undersecretary of Tourism of Viedma, Sergio Rodríguez, explained that “three basic objectives were approved: “integrated territorial development, tourism promotion and joint management of projects and problems.”

Among the issues set as priorities include the works for the “Gobernador Castello” airport in the Rio Negro capital, “the improvement of routes and accessibility, as well as the creation of new airlines and the improvement of existing frequencies.”

In addition, several work agendas and upcoming promotional activities were agreed upon, such as an activity in Comodoro Rivadavia in August and joint participation in the International Tourism Fair in Buenos Aires in September.

Rodríguez also reported that “It was decided to hire a design studio to create a brand for the beach corridor and design unified signage for the tourist sites and attractions,” We will also work together with National Parks and the Environment to highlight protected natural areas.

Mayor Castro highlighted the meeting and maintained “the importance of consensus and inter-municipal and provincial collaboration for the sustained development of the coastal region, with the aim of strengthening its tourist appeal and improve infrastructure and services for residents and visitors.

Future promotional actions were defined, such as an activity in Comodoro Rivadavia, in August, and joint participation in the International Tourism Fair in Buenos Aires, in September.

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