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Funeral caravans in Cali, a problem that remains unresolved and that left one person dead last Thursday

After the murder last Thursday of a citizen who was traveling near a funeral caravan, the need to regulate these activities in Cali became evident, due to the disturbances to public order that they cause on many occasions.

Police confirmed that a minor was arrested for the murder of a citizen while he was in a funeral procession. | Photo: Taken from social networks

According to preliminary investigations, the aggressor was traveling in the caravan and attacked a person who was near the scene with a firearm.detailed Colonel Carlos Oviedo, commander of the Cali Metropolitan Police.

This is not the first time that criminal acts have occurred during these mobilizations, as on some occasions funeral processions are accompanied by weapons, undocumented motorcycles, and the consumption of alcohol.

“This problem generally happens in the middle of caravans where the deceased belonged to a criminal gang or had a criminal record,” explained Hector Herrera, a security expert.

The specialist added that “what happens is that people go out to accompany the funerals with the intention of taking revenge on people who have nothing to do with it,” which is why homicides and thefts from outside citizens can occur.

According to the Undersecretary of Security, it is difficult to accompany the caravans when the wakes are held in houses, since there is no control. | Photo: Juan Mercado Week

To avoid similar acts in the future, Herrera maintained that it is necessary for the Police and the Transit Secretariat to work together, since in this way this problem can be comprehensively attacked.

Cemeteries are areas where the police carry out interventions and surveillance in order to prevent disturbances of public order during certain funerals. | Photo: Wirman Rios / The Country

In case the established rules are violated, traffic guards can take action, however, the Secretary emphasized that these patrols must be accompanied by uniformed police officers to avoid public order problems such as the one that occurred last Thursday.

Furthermore, according to Héctor Herrera, the Police must carry out intelligence work when a member of a criminal group is murdered or verify judicial records to be close to the caravans and funerals, so public order can be controlled.

For this reason, among the actions implemented by the Ministry of Security is police accompaniment of the caravans, when it is known that they are going to occur.

“We invite citizens to support us by telling us about these types of activities to prevent these events from occurring.“, said the Undersecretary.

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